Thursday 13 October 2016

Education in Portugal for international students at Scholarships and low tuition fee

Education in Portugal is free and compulsory up to secondary education, the 12th grade. The education in Portugal is a combination of public and private schools at all levels. The Secondary Education (Ensino Secundário) completes, almost in the 10-12th year of education , up to the age of 15-17 years.The students receive three types of education, general, technical/vocational and artistic up to this level. Programs are concluded on achieving the Certificado de Habilitações do Ensino Secundário/Diploma de Ensino Secundário (Secondary School Credential/Diploma). The higher education system is fully compatible to that applicable to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Higher education in Portugal is divided into two autonomous systems, university and polytechnic. The university focused on theoretical but highly research-oriented education in the areas like medicine, law, natural sciences, economics, psychology or veterinary . Whereas the polytechnic is a practical and professional training producing health care, accounting, Nursing technician and pre school education. But some field of studies are commonly taught including ,management,technology education, engineering, humanities, agriculture,or sports. After introduction of "The Bologna Process," for improvement of higher education in Portugal in 2006, any polytechnic or university institution of Portugal, is able to award:
  • A first cycle three-four (180-240 ECTS) years course awarding degree Licenciado (Doutor or Engenheiro for a License in engineering)  both at polytechnic or university institutions.The licenciatura is now the academic title for Engenheiro Técnico.
  • A second cycle Mestrado (Master),  Mestre Licenciatura with extra one or two years (90-120 ECTS) conducted at both polytechnic or university institution or, a 5 to 6 years joint degree (Mestrado Integrado) or through a longer single cycle of study in a university.
  • Pós-Graduação or Especialização (Postgraduate degree), one year specific study for holders of a Licenciatura or Mestrado.
  • Doutoramento (Doctorate) degree is only awarded by the universities to those who have passed the Doctoral Examination
  • Agregação (Agrégation),holders of this degree can use name "Professor Doutor". The degree is awarded to the competent scientist/researchers. They have to pass some specific examinations.

University of Évora

University of the Azores

University of Beira Interior

University of Coimbra

University of Beira Interior

Admissions Conditions
General admissions schedule for the 1st study cycle

In order to be eligible for the 1st study cycle leading to an undergraduate degree through the general schedule, national and foreign students must satisfy the following conditions:

Have completed a secondary education course or legally equivalent national or foreign training course; 

Have completed all admissions exams required for the course applied for with a score equal to or greater than the minimum required (some higher education institutions accept foreign tests and exams); 
Satisfy all pre-requisites (as applicable) for the course applied for.

Special admissions schedules

In addition to the general schedule there are special admissions schedules for competitive athletes, Portuguese citizens on official missions abroad, national and foreign employees on diplomatic missions, officials of the Portuguese Forces and scholarship students under the framework of cooperation agreements signed by the Portuguese Government. 

Special contests

In addition to the general schedule and special schedules there are contests for candidates who have specific skilled conditions providing access to higher education to new audiences as part of the lifelong learning framework:

Adults older than 23 who have obtained approval in specially designed exams to assess skills for attendance in higher education; 
Holders of technology specialisation certificates (post-secondary but not higher education).

Entry into each higher education institution is subject to numerus clausus.
National Contest for Access and Admission to Higher Education

Students from an EU country may apply for ‘Licenciatura’ Degrees (1st cycle) – Bsc or Integrated Master Degrees (1st and 2nd cycles), through the National Contest for Access and Admission to Higher Education supervised by  Directorate General for Higher Education(DGES)  Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.

Special Admission Contest for International Students

Non-Portuguese students or from a non-EU country that intend to run for a ‘Licenciatura’ Degrees (1st cycle) – Bsc or Integrated Master Degrees (1st and 2nd cycles) must apply for the Special Admission Contest for International Students, its procedures and particular conditions established and regulated through the International Student Statute.

Admission to the 2nd study cycle

The following may be eligible for entry to the 2nd study cycle leading to a master's degree:

Holders of an undergraduate or legally equivalent degree; 
Holders of a foreign higher academic degree recognised as satisfying all undergraduate degree objectives by the statutorily competent scientific organisation of the higher education establishment to be attended; 
Holders of a scholarly, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised as proving capabilities for that study cycle by the statutorily competent scientific organisation of the higher education establishment to be attended.
The admission may be made by online applications the relevant Faculty or School of the university of  your choice.

Admission to the 3rd study cycle

The following may be eligible for entry to the 3rd study cycle leading to a doctorate:

Holders of an master's or legally equivalent degree; 
Holders of an especially relevant scholarly or scientific curriculum that is recognised as proving capabilities for that study cycle by the statutorily competent scientific organisation of the higher education establishment to be attended. 

Holders of a scholarly, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised as proving capabilities for that study cycle by the statutorily competent scientific organisation of the higher education establishment to be attended.

Classification System

A final score 10-20  is attributed to a doctorate under the terms set by regulatory norms approved by the issuing university. 
A doctorate is conferred by university institutions from which approval has been obtained for the curricular units of the doctorate course, if applicable, and upon public decree of a thesis defence.
ERASMUS - Application process
Foreign students interested in the Erasmus mobility grant to study abroad at a Portuguese University must apply with the home University at which they are enrolled. The deadlines and conditions are established by that institution.

Which students can participate?

  • Those from an eligible country of origin;

  • Those who are enrolled in an official institution of higher learning that grants academic degrees, administered by an establishment recognised by the competent National Authority and with approved mobility under the Institutional Contract. These generally cover exemption from enrolment fees at the host university with all other expenses (travel, accommodations, food, etc.) remaining the student's responsibility.;

  • Those who have never benefited from an Erasmus mobility, even during the complete duration of two or more past periods abroad is less than one year;

  • Those who have completed at least the 1st year of study.
The Application period is open at each University in accordance with the calendar published by them. Generally there is a pre-candidacy period that normally runs from April/May every year,and confirmed around September/October.
Tuition Fee
Full time students enrolled on Bachelor and Master programmes pay around 700  to 1,250  per year. For third level degrees (PhD courses), the average tuition fee can lead to approximately 2500- 3,000 € per academic year. An exception is Coimbra city, where tuition fees are smaller but tuition fee in private universities ranges between 3000-4000 € per year. Besides tuition fee other cost is estimated as under:

  • Application 50-100 € once
  • Prerequisite - Portuguese language exam (B1)** 70-100 € once
  • Prerequisite - sport and physical fitness 45-100 € once
  • Medical exam for confirmation of Group B, D and physical endurance of the Group C 40-60 € once
  • Enrolment and registration fee 20-40  € for each semester
  • Accommodation 165,90 € per month
  • School materials 75,00 € per month
  • Transport 22,00 € per month
  • Meals 144,00 € per month
  • Other expenses 88,00 € per month
There is no distinction in  offers of  grants and government-funded scholarships  between own students, EU students or international students.The students who apply and accepted to a course or university, that is recognised by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, are eligible for a scholarships mostly but not limited to master's degree.There are special financial aids for scientists with pre-specified topic of research and as well for women in science (regardless the domain). 

Student’s home country can be approached for financial support (scholarships).
 The  institutions that offer different kind of scholarships or financing in different domains are as under:
Study Visa & Residence Permits

Students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland
Students from the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and Switzerland do not require a visa to enter Portugal.
These students must hold a valid ID-card or passport to have the right to remain on national territory for 90 days without any other conditions. However, if the stay is longer then they must acquire a residency permit (Registration Certificate) from the City Council of the respective area of residence within 30 days after the first 3 months. Citizens of the EU must present their EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) guaranteeing health care coverage to the National Health Service [Serviço Nacional de Saúde - SNS]. They should also have liability insurance to cover personal injury and property damage. 

Students from other countries

Students who are nationals of other countries must obtain a student visa before leaving their country of origin. This may be requested at the nearest Portuguese Embassy or Consulate. Presentation of a student visa is obligatory for enrolment at the University. In addition, after arrival these students must request a residency permit with the SEF by providing the documents as follows:
  • photocopy of your Passport as well as the original;
  •  Statement of the reasons for your stay;
  •  Proof of means of subsistence;
  •  Proof of housing conditions;
  •  Health insurance;
  •  Copy of your Tax ID Number (NIF);
  •  2 photographs.

However, this information should be directly confirmed with the SEF.
Passports and visas
It is extremely important to gather information, while in your country of origin, from the Portuguese Consulate or Embassy about the documents to be presented in Portugal.
In order to study in Portugal you will need a student visa, which may be renewed annually and obtained from the Portuguese diplomatic mission or consular office in your country of origin.

Documents to be presented to obtain a student visa:

  • Original application; 
  • Valid travel document (+3 months after visa validity); 
  • 3 passport photos; 
  • Criminal record extract; 
  • Medical certificate or health insurance; 
  • Proof of housing arrangements in Portugal; 
  • Proof of means of subsistence in Portugal; 
  • Proof of enrolment; 
  • Vaccination records; 
  • Notarised Transcript (authorized by the Portuguese Embassy in the country of origin) to enact credit transfers. 
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Portugal [Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros]Public Higher Education Institutes
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade de Évora
 Universidade da Madeira
Universidade do Minho
Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade da Beira Interior
Universidade dos Açores
Universidade do Algarve
Universidade de Lisboa
Universidade do Porto
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Polytechnic Institutes
Escola Náutica Infante D. Henrique
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco 
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa 
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Instituto Politécnico do Porto
Instituto Politécnico de Beja
Other Public School
Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna
Instituto de Estudos Superiores Militares
Air Force Academy
Naval School
Military Academy
Lisbon University Institute
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Universidade Aberta (Distance Education)
Universidade de Portugal
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (Nursing)
Private  Higher Education Institutes
Universidade Lusíada
Universidade Lusófona
Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Lusíada University of Porto
Universidade Atlântica
Polytechnic institutes
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas 
Instituto Superior Autónomo de Estudos Politécnicos 
Instituto Superior de Gestão
Institute of Higher Studies of Fafe
Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Instituto Piaget
Instituto Superior da Maia

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