Saturday 3 September 2016

Affordable tuition fee of Higher Education for international students in the Czech Republic.

There are 164 of secondary schools (1/3 are private schools) teaching in approx. 200 branches. The establishment of private schools was made possible since 1990. Private schools receive a state contribution towards running costs and are allowed to charge tuition fees.The State also pays health insurance for students up to the age of 26 years.The secondary schools education in the Czech Republic may include: 
  • General secondary school "gymnázium" (ISCED 3A), lasts for 4 years, after 9 years of basic school, and prepare students for admission in universities.
  • Secondary technical school "střední odborná škola - SOŠ"(ISCED-3A,B), lasts for 4 years and conclude at maturita.
  • Secondary vocational school "střední odborné učiliště - SOU"(ISCED-3B) a 2-3 years education.
Higher Education Institutions can either be university or non-university types, both defined asvysoká škola, and must comply with the regulations of the Accreditation Commission. The Bachelor study programs usually last for 3 years, and award degree of ISCED 5B. Master study programs usually take 5 years and conclude at degree of ISCED 5-A. These are open for students who have passed the maturita exam besides completing other admission criteria including entrance exams.The third level of higher education, doctoral study programs generally take 3 years and conclude with receiving ISCED-6 degree and admission is granted to master degree holders.Traditional university-type institutions may offer all types of study programmes while non-university institutions usually provide bachelor study programs. Today, there are 68 higher education establishments (26 State and 42 Private) in the Czech Republic as described sections to follow. 

Palacký University, Olomouc (Cent.Library Armoury )

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

Charles University in Prague

Czech Technical University in Prague (Dejvice)                

Mendel University Brno

Technical University of Liberec                                                          

University of Ostrava

University of West Bohemia (Elec Engg.)

Czech Technical University in Prague (Dejvice Library)

Brno University of Technology(IT Faculty)

The deadline for submitting applications is usually between February-April and May.The deadlines may differ in some universities or regions or in public and private or it may differ in type of studies (medical,engineering or arts etc), Please check the admission deadlines during programme search process. The 


The admission in a Bachelor´s or a full Master´s degree programme require  a full secondary general education or vocational education with a school-leaving examination. Whereas  admission to a Master´s degree programme depends on the completion of the relevant Bachelor´s degree programme or its equivalent. Admission to Doctoral studies depends on the successful completion of a Master´s degree programme.
The qualification, skills and qualities needed for admission vary from university to university. For full information on entry requirements, please refer directly to the website of the university of your choice.
The minimum entry requirements are as follows:
  1. Application form
  2. Copy of secondary school graduation certificate
  3. Admission fee
  4. Specific requirements, e.g. CV, motivation letter, portfolio, English proficiency test, scheduled Skype interview with the director of your study programme
    Application process is as follows:
  1. You should check whether you need a visa to enter the country. This depends on your nationality. Gather the necessary documents & information with the process of the application;
  2. Students should apply directly to the university of their choice;
  3. Fill in the application through electronic applications system of the universities in accordance with their own requirements and application deadlines.
  4. The deadline for submitting applications is usually between February and April.
  5. Students may apply for several study programmes at various universities and faculties.
  6. Choose the study programme and check its specific requirements browse the website of the selected university's web sources which simply guides the students through the whole procedure;
  7. Pay the application fee;
  8. For international applicants there are usually no entrance examinations.
  9. If there are entrance examinations, these are mostly held between June and September, earlier for Arts studies.
  10. Applicants‘ documents are assessed by an applications committee. 
  11. If you have degrees issued abroad and wish to enroll at the university in the Czech Republic, you are required to obtain an official document confirming that your degree is recognised in the Czech Republic.
  12. The process of recognition of elementary, secondary and higher (not university) education is called "nostrifikace". The documentation of completed elementary, secondary or higher education is called "vysvědčení" (certificate);
  13. The process of recognition of university education is called the "recognition of foreign higher education and qualification in the Czech Republic". The documentation of completed university education is called "diplom" (diploma),
Both the categories of documents can be verified through Recognition of Foreign Education Qualification.

Fee & other Cost


Study in the Czech language

By law, Higher education in the Czech language, at public and state institutions, is free of charge for citizens of all nationalities, with the following exceptions in fee for:
Administration of admission proceedings;
Extending the duration of study beyond a set limit;
The study of an additional programme to the original studied;
Study in a foreign language.

Czech higher education is still really affordable if want to study in another language as the tuition fees ranges from 0 - 22,350 USD per year and the amount depends on the relevant institution and study programme. There are several courses taught in English or in another foreign language for selection of Programme as per resources available.Further with exception of some courses, fee for most of the programmes is generally about:

Bachelor 3000-4000  per year
Master     3500-5000 per year
Doctoral 2000-6000  per year

Living costs
Living costs in the Czech Republic are considered to be affordable. The average living costs of students range from 200-300 USD/month, incl. meals, public transport and culture. The accommodation charges also ranges from 150-450 USD/month.The total living cost thus comes to 350-750 USD/month. Of course, prices may vary depending on choices, lifestyle, and spending habits.


EU Students
If you have a valid health insurance in your home country, you should apply for the EU health insurance card (EHIC).
Non-EU Students

Based on international agreements, medical travel insurance is not required from citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Japan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Serbia, and Yemen. The same exception applies to participants of the Erasmus Mundus program, Fulbright scholarship program, European Voluntary Service of the EC Youth in Action programme.

All other  non-EU Students intend to stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days are required to purchase comprehensive health insurance coverage. You will be asked to submit a proof of Czech health insurance when you apply for visa. The coverage limit is minimum EUR 60,000 and the insurance must be purchased for the entire period of stay. For detailed information contact the local Czech diplomatic mission

There exist many different types of scholarship in the Czech Republic.The deadlines for 2016-17 expired in June 2016.The deadlines for 2017-18  will be announced in autumn this year.To increase your chance to succeed, have a look at all of them.

  • The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals, pursuant to bilateral intergovernmental or departmental agreements.
  • The Government of the Czech Republic also offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme of foreign nationals from developing countries.
  • The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) for peri­ods of 1 or 2 semes­ters. Only citizens of certain countries are eligible.
  • The South Moravian Center for International Mobility offers scholarships for foreign students from countries out of the European Union;
  • Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for 2014-2020. 
  • CEEPUS is a Central European Exchange Program for University Studies leading to joint degrees. 
  • The prestigious Fulbright Program sponsored by U.S. and Czech governments provides U.S. and Czech citizens with the opportunity to study, teach, or conduct research in the partner country;
  • Some Czech higher education institutions might grant scholarships for excellent study results or in cases of hard circumstances of a student. The universities websites may be seen for scholarships.
  • Further scholarships and grants to study in the Czech Republic may be found on ScholarshipPortal.
  • The Centre for International Cooperation in Education (DZS) and its official website " " are the basic source of all study relating information Czech  Republic.

Visa & Residence Permit

Students from EU/EEA and Switzerland:
  • Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland are exempt from student visa requirements.
  • To enter the Czech Republic,
  • EU students only need a valid passport or national ID card. 
  • EU students, within 30 days of entering the Czech Republic, required to report his/her presence to the Foreign Police Department in the location of his/her stay in the Czech Republic.
  • This obligation does not apply if the person providing accommodation submits the registration forms on behalf of the student, i.e. in case of stay in student dormitories.
Students from non-EU countries:
Students from countries outside the EU have to turn to the local Czech embassy or consulate and apply for a student visa. Please note, that the whole procedure requires some paperwork and can take up to 60 days, so it is recommended to apply for the visa well in advance.

There are short-term visa (for stays up to 90 days) and long-term visa (for stays over 90 days). Students arriving for a period longer than one year should apply for a long-term residence permit for study purposes.
The following documents are mainly required for receiving a student visa or a residence permit:
  • Application form
  • Letter of acceptance for studies
  • Valid passport and passport photos
  • Proof of financial resources for the stay (e.g. in the form of a bank account statement or confirmation of being beneficiary of a grant)
  • Confirmation of guaranteed accommodation
  • Valid international health insurance
  • Abstract from the Register of Criminal Records must be translated into Czech language by a translator with an official stamp.
Registering with the Czech Foreign Police:

Registration at the Foreign Police Department is compulsory for all foreign nationals staying in the Czech Republic for more than 30 days. They must register within 3 days from the date of arrival to the country.

Public university-type Institutions

source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic
Charles University, Prague -
Masaryk University, Brno -
Palacký University, Olomouc -
University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice -
University of West Bohemia, Plzeň -
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem -
University of Ostrava, Ostrava -
Silesian University, Opava -
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno -
University of Economics, Prague -
University of Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové -
Czech Technical University, Prague -
University of Technology, Brno -
Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague -
University of Pardubice, Pardubice -
Technical University, Ostrava -
Technical University, Liberec -
Czech University of Agriculture, Prague -
Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno -
Academy of Performing Arts, Prague -
Academy of Fine Arts, Prague -
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague -
Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Brno -
University of Defence, Brno -
Tomáš Baťa University, Zlín -
Polytechnical College, Jihlava -

Private Higher Education Institutes

Academia Rerum Civilium - College of Political and Social Sciences
AKCENT College
Anglo-American University
Applied Psychology College
Architectural Institute in Prague
Art & Design Institut
Brno International Business School
CEVRO Institute
College of Applied Law
College of Banking
College of Business and Hotel Management
College of European and Regional Studies
College of Logistics
College of Physical Education and Sport Palestra
College of Regional Development
College of Social and Administrative Affairs
European Polytechnical Institute - Kunovice Campus
Film Academy of Miroslav Ondříček in Písek
Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague
International Baptist Theological Seminary
Jan Amos Komenský University Prague
Karel Englis College
Medical University College in Prague 5
Metropolitan University Prague
Moravian University College Olomouc
NEWTON College
Prague College of Psychosocial Studies
Private College of Economic Studies Znojmo
Private University College of Economic Studies
Rašín College
Real Estate College - Institute of Frank Dyson
STING Academy
Škoda Auto University
Unicorn College
University College of International and Public Relations Prague
University College of Business in Prague
University of Economics and Management
University of Entrepreneurship and Law
University of Finance and Administration
University of New York in Prague
University of Creative Communication
Westmoravian College, Trebic

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