Monday 5 September 2016

Higher education in low tuition fee for international students in Poland

Higher education in Poland
The Bologna Process, given great importance in Poland and as a result, "the diploma supplement," was made mandatory for all diplomas. Polish universities adopted a new education system credit (point) "European Credit Transfer System" which is a quality assessment and accreditation program  particularly for specialization.The accreditation of higher education is conducted both by state and academic community.There are  about 500 government-funded and privately owned universities of higher education in Poland. However only forty publicly funded and two private universities award bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees,probably, in ten areas of studies. Most of the remaining universities and colleges confer titles according to their own names.  Academy usually focus on fine arts, music and drama etc.Whereas the technical universities specialize in engineering and the physical sciences.  Among them the universities of Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, and Wrocław are at the top.  The education systems in public universities and colleges is different than that in vogue in  the private sector. The majority of private higher educational institutions offer 3 year courses of study for a Bachelor's degree. Only about twelve institutions offer a 5 year course of study which leads to a Master's degree and only one has obtained the right to confer the doctorate degree. There are now 12 private institutions that occupy top positions relating to the standards of tertiary education which are published every year by many institutions.
Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz
 Warsaw University at Kazimierz Palace 
University of Zielona Góra Campus in Zielona Góra 
University of Wrocław main building  
Casimir the Great University 

University of Łódź,

Application times and deadlines

Universities in Poland admit students two times a year – winter and summer semesters. The winter semester starts in October while the summer semester begins around February. Admissions for the winter semester starts in April and end in July. And for the summer semester, admissions will open around September and end in December. It’s important that a student applies for admission early, so his application will be considered before deadline approaches. 

Ist (Bachelor) and long cycle (Master) & 2nd cycle Master studies
Study in English 
  • The student from outside Poland can be admitted to a course run in a foreign language if:
  • They have a document (degree or diploma to confirm that they have completed a school in which they were taught in the language of their prospective course, or a certificate) to confirm that they know the language of their prospective course (at a minimum B2 equivalent level),
  • If they obtain a confirmation from the admitting university that they are sufficiently prepared and know the foreign language well enough to study in this language,
  •  If they are interested in studying in the English language, you may choose from list of courses taught in English.
  • The Upper Secondary School-Leaving Examination Certificate (so-called "Maturity Certificate") and  the certified translation of school-leaving certificate into Polish must  be legalized or apostilled. 

Polish language

To study in the Polish language, students should fulfil one of the following three criteria:
  • Complete a one-year course of Polish language at one of the education institutions approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  • A certificate issued by the State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language.
  • Receive a certificate, from the University of their choice, confirming that their preparation and level of proficiency in Polish allows them to undertake the studies.
  • The language proficiency may be confirmed during an interview, in an additional exam or providing a language proficiency certificate.
Students can apply:
  • Online to the university of their choice individually.
  • Through the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange which directs foreigners qualified for the 1st, 2nd or long cycle studies to Polish universities without the obligation to complete a preparatory course.
  • Through other entities (scientific institutes, foundations, governmental organizations) who signed Direct Cooperation Agreements with the University or e.g. by taking part in the scholarship programmes.
   Additional guidelines for 2nd cycle studies (Master) 

  • 2nd cycle studies (Master) may be the continuation of an earlier line of education or may be taken up in either a similar or totally new direction.
  • They are directed to individuals who already have a Bachelor, Engineer or Master degree or another equivalent foreign certification.
  • The recruitment is usually based on entry exams, oral or written, interviews or grades received at the conclusion of the 1st cycle studies or long cycle master studies. The rules vary depending on the faculty.
PhD Programs
Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange of the Ministry of National Education,

Due to numerous grants received by experienced academicians, the youngest scientists may take part in the work of research teams and receive additional scholarships.The students take an active part in research projects. Interdisciplinary and interdepartmental 3rd cycle studies can be carried out in the programs designated for study of PhD in the university of their choice.
The doctoral candidates in specialties which received the grant are provided with scholarships and grants for their own research. Each of them spends between 6 months and 2 years as an intern at an international scientific institution. The scientists who are the laureates of grants distributed, among others, by the European Research Council play a major role in the preparation of these programmes. 

Tuition fee & other costs

Tuition fees in Poland are cheaper than many other European countries. Fees vary wildly depending on the institution, type of course and mode of study you choose.These are detailed as under:
  • The Students, Bachelor,Master or even PhD degrees, are likely to pay between  1,300-3,500 a year for most courses, but some professional or courses can range up to 10,000 Eur plus.
  • Application fee from 50-100 Eur and a registration fee 100-200 is to paid by the Students from Bachelor to PhD.
  • Average rent per month is 100 Eur to 200 Eur or even more as per choice of the students.
  • Insurance coverage must be valid.

Immigration and visas 

In most cases, non-EU students will have to get a study visa in order to come and study in Poland. Your chosen university should be able to help, but you will need to speak to the Polish embassy/mission in your home country.
However, EU students who are living in Poland for more than three months will need to register for a residency permit which is valid for up to two years.International students from the EU can study a degree in Poland without issue providing they fulfil the following:
They have a valid passport
They are studying for more than three months at the institution 
They have sufficient income to support themselves during their studies 
Have comprehensive health insurance

This list contains names of selected public universities, colleges, academies and institutes of higher education in Poland: 
Wrocław University of Technology
University of Wrocław
Wrocław University of Economics 
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
University of Zielona Góra
Nicolaus Copernicus University
 University of Warsaw
Warsaw University of Technology 
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
West Pomeranian University of Technology
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
University of Białystok
Białystok Technical University 
Medical University of Białystok
University of Szczecin
University of Łódź 
Academy of Music in Łódź
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
Academy of Music in Kraków 
Pedagogical University of Cracow
Cracow University of Economics
Agricultural University of Cracow
Koszalin University of Technology 
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków 
Cracow University of Technology 
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom 
Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw
Warsaw School of Economics
Kielce University of Technology 
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Silesian University of Technology 
Rzeszów University of Technology 
Medical University of Lublin 
Medical University of Łódź 
Lublin University of Technology 
Technical University of Łódź 
Poznań University of Medical Sciences 
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
West Pomeranian University of Technology  
Medical University of Warsaw 
Wrocław Medical University 
University of Bielsko-Biała 
Częstochowa University of Technology 
University of Silesia
University of Music in Katowice
University of Economics in Katowice
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
John Paul II Catholic University
 University of Rzeszów
 University of Gdańsk
Medical University of Gdańsk 
Gdańsk University of Technology
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
John Paul II Catholic University
Adam Mickiewicz University 
University of Fine Arts in Poznań
 Opole University
Opole University of Technology 
 Jan Kochanowski University
Jagiellonian University
Jagiellonian University Medical College
Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts 
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Pontifical University of John Paul II
 University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz
University of Warmia and Mazury
 Casimir the Great University

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