Sunday 31 July 2016

Free eduction to international students in European Countries

Study in European Countries:

It is a concern for a large number of students to get higher education in Europe at affordable price or even free of charge education.This is competitive task and you will need to make your profile attractive to enhance chances of your admission in desired degree.Some countries  in Europe offer free education to native as well as foreign students. Some renowned colleges or universities charges nominal feeses but with strict admission policy.Thus for certain requirements students must be prepared before time. The requirements may vary with reference to countries,educational institutions and the level of selected degree that may either undergraduate,graduation,post graduationother or other short and long courses etc. The basic things need to be kept in mind before seeking admission in Europeon universities or colleges include.

Admission Requirements:

  • Selection of a field or level of education to study.
  • Selection of  the country or institutions as per resources of the students.
  • Achieving a strong bachrlor degree to take admission in desired field|level.
  • Take language proficiency test to earn a relevant language certificate with high bands e.g. GMAT,IELTS,TOEFL and GRE etc with  reference to country or institution of admission.
  • A good resume letter,Statement of purpose if interviewed by admission committee and a strong letter of recommendation from previous education provider or relevant professors.
  • Extracurricular activities specially in the field of social work or voluteer works will enhance chances of admission.
  • Some coutrie have prescribed a specific or difficult procedure for attestation of educational documents. In such cases it must be arranged as per prescribed procedure at proper time to avoid delay in applying for admission.

Admission deadlines:

  • There are two rounds of admissions in most of the European universities i.e. Autmn and Spring.
  • The closing dates for admission in Autmn lie near to March or April and near to August or September for Spring asmissions. 
  • But it must be remembered that there may be deviations from these deadlines and be aware yourself of the specific countrys deadlines for admissdion. 


  • The Public universities or colleges in countries like Iceland,,Germany,Finland,Norway,Czech Republic (in Czech language)etc. charges no feese.
  • Public universities or colleges in Sweden charge tuition fee prior to master level study from international students.There is no fee charged from international students for master level education.
  • Some coutries in Europe like Austria,France have nominal feeses in Public universities or colleges  
  • Scholorships are also available to students with distinction in almost all of the European countries.


  • Receiving  acceptance letter from the university or college granting the admission is not enough. The process of entry in the country of admission is also an uphill task.
  • It depends upon the policy of the relevant country that if student visa required to be  arranged by students themselves or it may be arranged by the university or college granting the admission.
  • In certain cases it is also to be seen before getting admission if embassy or foreign mission existed in the country of the students or not. If no then it must be noticed that what will be the procedure of achieving visa to enter in that country.

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