Thursday 28 July 2016

Shogran,Siri and Pae are heavenly beauty on earth in Naran & Kaghan Valleys.

Mansehra  at an elevation of 3574 feet ASL, is 24 kms from Abbotabad. It was founded by Sardar Maha Singh a Sikh administrator in the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.The site  of the  city had its relation with Maurya dynasty. It has many attractive old and  modern buildings. The route to Mansehra -Shogran is full of scenes along the mountain,peaks up to Bisian and along the river Kunhar thereafter.Some of the important tourists spots on the way to Shogran are specifically mentioned here under.

Map of Mansehra 
Ashoka Stone
Khali Ghat
Karakorum Hotel
Road to Mansehra
 Batrasi at an elevation of 3648 feet ASL, is 15 kms from Mansehra.There is a thick pine forest on the plain and slopes of the hills.Flowers of different kinds and their fragrance feel everywhere it cast very pleasant effects.
 Views of Batrasi Pine Forest

 Balakot 3208 feet ASL is 26 kms from Batrasi.It is the city in the hills which has almost all the tourists items available at cheap prices.The city has very important historical values as a sacred war was fought between the Sikhs and the Muslim warriors including Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Shah Ismaeel Shaheed in 1831 AD.The mosuleums of the great martyres are present in and around the city.The city inhabitated at both banks of the river Kunhar.

 Views from Balakot City

4) Kiwai at an elevation  of 5,115 feet ASL is 24 kms from Balakot.It  has aunique importance    because of its water fall,some shops and bifurcatin point of  Shogran road from Naran road.The  water fall has beautiful surroundings besides arecreation point on the fresh falling and running water.

Views of Kiwai Waterfall

5) Shogran at an elevation point of 7,655 feet ASL is 7 kms car drive having very fast ascending from Kiwai.Shogran is the most beautiful place on the way onward to Abbotabad. One can view three highest peaks of the Kaghan valley  viz Musa Ka Mussalla 13,500 feet ASL, Makra Peak 15,030 feet ASL and Malka Parbat at 17,156 feet ASL from here.Shogran is the best to see in summer season but it can be visited in start and end of winter.The city has many beautiful places to visit like Mini Zoo,Forest Rest House, beautiful green lawns and thick green forests in the surrounding areas.

Views of Lawns and Building in Shogran 

6) Siri lake at an elevation of 8,974 feet ASL is 5 kms from Shogran.Pae at an elevation point of 9,500 feet ASL is 2 kms from Siri. Both these meadows are very green and rich in picturesque beauty.The  track to Siri and Pae from Shogran is hard to  travel both by jeep and walk due to mud and rocks on the way.Camping at both the sites is a charming option for the adventurers but actually it is a way back to Shogran visit of three to four hours for general public.The trekkers can adventure from here to Makra Peak for 6 hours and further 4 hours trekking to beautiful Manna Meadows that is 8,000 feet ASL It is further 3 hours trek back to Shogran from Manna Meadows.



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