Monday 15 August 2016

There are a lot of scholarships for brilliant students for higher education of international students in Hungarian Universities.

Universities in Hungary
The Hungarian school system consist on pre primary to secondary education schools before higher education.vocational schools (szakiskola) provide education up to grade 9 & 10 and secondary vocational schools (szakközépiskola) leads to Secondary School Leaving Certificate after three or two years and students acquire a qualification, ISCED -2 C or mostly 3 C. Students interested in continuing their studies in Hungary will find preparatory courses in numerous universities. Public Higher Education System includes universities and other higher educational institutes, that provide degree education up to doctoral level and also contribute to research activities in Hungary. Higher education is offered, in colleges generally take 4 years,Bachelor degree and universities up to 4-6 years Master Degree. University offer PhD courses which usually take 3 years to complete. It is compulsory to pass an intermediate level language exam in the foreign language (mostly English and German) of student's own choice to acquire a degree.

                               University of Debrecen

 Face of Corvinus University of Budapest

                        Corvinus University of Budapest

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș

Application Procedure
  1. To successfully apply for studies at the selected University, the applicants, must complete all of the following steps: 
  2. complete all sections of the application form 
  3. Attach a letter of motivation outlining your reasons for choosing the course 
  4. Attach reference forms, recommendation letters from referees (one is good, two is better!) 
  5. Enclose applicable academic documents: 
  6. BSc applicants must enclose an official copy of their secondary school final examination. 
  7. MSc applicants must enclose an official copy of their BSc degree certificate and transcripts. 
  8. Enclose evidence of their English ability: B2 level of English is required (i.e. TOEFL min. of 500 on PBT, 61 on iBT; a 6.0 on IELTS or equivalent) 
  9. Attach a brief Curriculum Vitae.

Important note:   All documentation must be in English. Translations from other languages must be certified.

Bachelor/Master Application Deadline                                                                For September 2017 up to 15 June 2017                                                                               For Jan/Feb 2018 up to 15 Nov 2017

PhD program
Besides submission of Application for admission in PhD program, the general entry requirements are explained as under: 
  • Applicants who have MSc degree in fields, specified by the particular PhD school are eligible for admission to PhD studies at a University.
  • Admission is based on entrance examinations including a review of the MSc degree of the applicant.
  • A face-to-face interview by a committee delegated by the Executive Body of the PhD School.
  • Applicants having a GPA of 4.0 on a scale of 5.0 during their MSc studies are acceptable.
  • Any foreign or Hungarian PhD student is expected to have proficient written and spoken language skills, preferably in English (B2 level of English is required (i.e. TOEFL min. of 500 on PBT, 61 on iBT; a 6.0 on IELTS or equivalent, e.g. if the language of instruction was  English on master's level).
  • But in a few cases other world languages like French, German, Russian or Spanish can be required as well.
     PhD Application Deadline for September 2017 up to May 31, 2017                                                                                for Feb 2018 up to   October 31, 2017

Tuition Fees and Other Costs (BSc, MSc programmes)
Registration fee: 50-100  Eur/student and 100-150 Eur/student (PhD programs). 
Student card fee 10 EUR/student
Tuition fees: 
Tuition fees: 1000 Eur to 3500 Eur per semester  for Bsc, Msc and other  professional programs like MBA 
Approx.150 Eur/month (double occupancy),approx.190 Eur/month (single occupancy). 

Tuition fee & other costs (PhD)
 Between 4,000 and 6,000 EUR/semester (The amount of fee depends on the costs of the program selected. Living expenses are not included in the tuition fee.) Registration fee: 100 EUR/student. There are a variety of housing opportunities for PhD students in the vicinity of the University at reasonable price.  
Letter of acceptance, is necessary for visa application after receipt of payment for tuition and registration.  In the case of a visa refusal, these costs will be refunded.  
Scholarships (Stipendium Hungaricum)
Extended Deadlines 19th of August 2017 (The links can be used for coming year study)

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNO) and  Tempus Public Foundation Govt. of Hungary have launched Scholarships programs for the students of  the below mentioned countries.The scholarships will cover Tuition fee,Monthly stipend to cover living expenses,Insurance and Accommodation charges of full time and part time students for the period of study as detailed below.
Available Scholarship Types                                 Duration
One-tier master programs                                     5-6 years
Doctoral programs                                                2+2 years
Non-degree programs- Preparatory course           0,5-1 year
                                    -Specialization courses     2, 0,5-1 year
Bachelor                                                                2-4 years

 The Students must fulfil the following conditions before submitting application to the respective           Organizations through the above mentioned links: 
  1. Citizenship and residency of one of the eligible countries
  2. Excellent school achievements
  3. English language proficiency (for courses taught in English)
  4. Motivation
  5. Good health
  6. Age (candidates under 30 are preferred)
List of eligible countries 
Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, China (including the Hudec scholarships), Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan*, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kosovo, Kurdistan Regional Government/Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Syria**, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine***, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen****

For part time programmes, students can apply from the following sending partners: Belarus, Cambodia, China (only Hudec applicants), Georgia, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Turkey, Vietnam

* For applicants from Jordan, the application deadline is extended to 31st March 2016.
** There is a separate call for application for Syrian applicants*** For applicants from Ukraine, the application deadline is extended to 1st April 2016.
**** Only those Yemeni students can apply for the scholarship who are currently staying in Hungary.

Study Visas 
 Entry for long stay (exceeding 90 days)

Students from  EU countries do not require Study Visa to enter in Hungary. But the students from non-EU countries require a Study Visa to enter in Hungary. Application need to be submitted with proof payment of tuition fee and acceptance letter, in the country of the student's residence. In case of successful application, s/he will get a visa authorising him/her to a single entry for receiving a residence permit and to stay for maximum 30 days in Hungary. The decision on the residence permit falls within the scope of the regional directorates of the Office for Immigration.
 Residence permits 
A certificate of school attendance, a document certifying occupancy in Hungary (the document certifying accommodation in a student hostel or the tenancy contract with a duplicate of the title deed),
and - the documents certifying subsistence in Hungary (bank account statement; or the declaration of the parents that they assume coverage of all costs of the stay in Hungary; or the document certifying the scholarship). - attestation of the school that the applicant is exempt from the payment of school fees or that he/she has already paid the tuition fees.

For details of  Hungarian Missions abroad or other visa related information please visit website of  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary.

Public Universities 

Szent István University
Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)
Széchenyi István University
University of Debrecen
Budapest Business School.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Corvinus University Budapest.
University of Szeged
Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Selye János University (Slovakia)
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Budapest
University of Dunaújváros
University of Kaposvár
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Budapest
University of West Hungary
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș (Romania)
National University of Public Service Budapest
University of Miskolc
University of Nyíregyháza
Óbuda University Budapest
Semmelweis University Budapest
University of Pannonia
University of Pécs
University of Physical Education Budapest
Academy of Drama and Film in Budapest
University of Szeged
Eszterházy Károly College, Eger

Church funded or Private Universities

Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute (Ukraine)
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
Andrássy University Budapest
Aquincum Institute of Technology Budapest
Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)
Budapest Metropolitan University
Budapest University of Jewish Studies Budapest
Central European University Budapest
International Business School Budapest
Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church Budapest
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest
Lutheran Theological University Budapest
Avicenna International College
Bhaktivedanta Theological College
Budapest College of Management
Gábor Dénes College
International Business School, Budapest
Wekerle Business School

Saturday 13 August 2016

The Higher Education in Austria at very affordable Tuition Fee

The Higher Education in Austria

The Higher Education in Austria consist on three type of institution of higher education, Federal Universities (Universitäten), Universities of Applied Science, (Fachhochschulen), usually three years for the bachelor's degree) and Private Universities (Privatuniversitäten). The funding and laws on education cause a line of distinction among them that is why they have different legal status .There are 23 public and 13 accredited private universities offer degree programs in all fields of study autonomously. Here are images some top ranking Austrian universities.

       University of Vienna

                               University of Salzburg

                             Medical University of Graz

       University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz

               University of Applied Sciences Kufstein

                The following degrees or awards are presently issued by the universities in Austria.
  • The first degree in engineering and agriculture is the Diplom-Ingenieur (abbr. Dipl.-Ing. or DI).
  • Bachelor's degree of 3 years in accordance with the Bologna process.
  • research paper of an average of about 100 pages in majority of the subject, need to be submitted by students to get a Diplomarbeit.
  • The "Magister" or Master Degree take  1-2 years (6 semester). 
  • Postgraduate degrees such as LL.M.s and MBAs have been introduced since the 1990s.
  • Doctorate is, at the minimum a 6 year degree, awarded in the field of medicine.
  • Doctoral/PhD programmes consist of six semesters.
Admission to a Bachelor/Diploma programme

Note that an admission/an application for admission is only possible during the general admission period of a semester.

In the bachelor-/diploma professional programmes and in all teacher accreditation programmes, entrance examinations and some special supplementary exams can be held. The registration for entrance examination may be held in March 2017 for 2017-18 session.

Application with EU/EEA school leaving certificate

Anyone who finished school in an EU/EEA member country, can be admitted within the general admission period.
 The information mentioned below is not for study programmes which require entrance or course specific examination.

 Registration and upload of documents

You need to register online in the university of your choice and activate your account, which you will need throughout your studies at that University.Prepare the following documents for upload (e.g. as pdf)

1) Secondary school leaving certificate 
2) A translation (issued by a court sworn translator) of the secondary school leaving               certificate in case it is not issued in German or English        
3) A copy of passport or personal ID card
4) Pass port photograph                                                                                                     
5) Proof of proficiency in German at B2/2 level (not needed in case the secondary school 
6) certificate was issued in a German speaking country) or Proof of proficiency in English if courses are in the English.
7) Other program specific document.

 Enrolment to the study programme

Within the general admission period you have to present the documents mentioned above in original or notarised copy at the the university of your choice by yourself personally.

Step 3: Payment of the tuition fee/students’ union fee

Once your tuition fee/students’ union fee payment(via ATM or other prescribed means) has been paid, you are admitted for the study programme.You will then be issued a student card.

Admission periods (Tentative)

The admission,in most of the State run Universities, for Winter Semester October 2017, starts from 1st April 2017 to end of August 2017 and General Admission also take place from June to September. Admission for Summer Semester from March 2018, for entrance examination, start from 1st October  2017 to end of March 2018 and General Admission also take place in January 2018.The final schedule may be enquired from the website of the university of your choice.
Admission with school leaving certificate from a non-EU/EEA country

If your school leaving certificate was issued in a non-EU/EEA member country, you can apply within the general admission period.The following documents for upload in addition to above referred documents are required to be submitted to at the the university of your choice as soon as possible as admin office need three months to complete the process for the students from a non-EU/EEA country.
  • special entrance qualification
  • possible transcripts/diploma from former studies.

Step 2: Enrolment to the study programme

Within the general admission period you have to present the documents mentioned above in original or notarised copy at the university of your choice by yourself personally as well as your letter of admission.
Step 3: Payment of the tuition fee/students’ union fee
Once your tuition fee/students’ union fee payment(via ATM or other prescribed means) has been paid, you are admitted for the study programme.You will be issued a student card thereafter.
Admission period (Tentative)
The admission,in most of the State run Universities, for Winter Semester October 2017, starts from 1st April 2017 to end of August 2017 and General Admission also take place from June to AugustAdmission for Summer Semester March 2018 starts from 1st October  2017 to end of March 2018 and General Admission also take place in January 2018.The final schedule may be enquired from the website of the university of your choice.

Registration to the entrance examination

To be able to participate in an entrance examination you have to register online within the deadline that must well before start of Semester as referred above. Remember that registration at any Austrian University may work at other universities entrance exams if could not take place at the registration place with the permission of new university .However the registration to a study programme will take place on payment of an exam fee of 50-100 Euro or as may be fixed by the university .The final schedule may be enquired from the website of the university of your choice.

 Master programmes
Master programmes can be followed after a bachelor or programme of the same field of study. They have a deeper scientific approach, which comprises four semesters and lead to a Master’s degree.The admission is possible from June to November in most of the State run Universities.

Doctoral/PhD programmes

Students can continue with a Doctoral/PhD programme after having completed a Diploma or Master Degree. All Doctoral/PhD programmes consist on six semesters  offered at the Universities in Austria have been adapted to the European study structure.The admission is on rolling basis.

Tuition fee
The public universities normally charge  363.36 euro and 726.72 for EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA students respectively in the normal study period. Further student union fee including insurance of 19.20 euro per semester need also be paid.



All those interested in studying in Austria need to apply for a visa at an Austrian consulate or embassy before coming to Austria. Within 3 working days of arrival in Austria, you have to register with the registration office (Meldeamt) at your place of residence.
Generally, if you want to study in Austria for no longer than 6 months, you will need either of the following for entry to and residence in Austria:
A travel visa C ("Schengenvisa"): entitles you to stay in Austria and in all other Schengen countries for a maximum of 90 days; it is not necessary if you are allowed to enter Austria without a visa
A residence visa D (Aufenthaltsvisum D): for stays of at least 91 days up to a maximum of 6 months; not necessary if you are a Japanese national.

  • EU citizen
  • If you are a national of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland, you need no visa to come to Austria. If you have
  • sufficient financial means to finance your stay in Austria and valid health insurance covering all the necessary costs, you only need a valid travel document (passport or identity card) for entry to and residence in Austria. If you are going to stay in Austria for more than 3 months you have to register with the competent municipal authority (Magistrat, Bezirkshauptmannschaft) within 4 months of your stay.
You have to apply for this visa in person at the competent Austrian representative authority (embassy, consulate-general) before travelling to Austria; this authority will also issue the visa. A visa (for example, the residence visa D) cannot be renewed in Austria.
The funds, for one year tuition fee boarding & lodging expenses equal to 8,000 euro and 10,000 euro per year for students up to 24 years and from 24 years and above respectively and accommodation costs 3240 euro per year need to be proved as available. The documentary evidence like deposit in bank, personal Declaration of Guarantee of an Austrian resident,traveller's cheques or proof of confirmed award of scholarship/grant.

Meet all other requirements for the study visa well before start of the session as it may take 3 to 6 months to complete the process.

List of Public Universities (The list include medical & professional higher education institutes)

University of Klagenfurt
University of Salzburg
Mozarteum University of Salzburg
University of Graz
Graz University of Technology
Medical University of Graz
University of Leoben
University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz
University of Innsbruck (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck)
Innsbruck Medical University
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz
University of Vienna
Vienna University of Technology
Medical University of Vienna
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
University of Applied Arts Vienna
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

List of Universities Applied Science
FachhochschulstudiengaengeBurgenland in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems in Krems
University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Pölten
Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt
Institute of Science and Technology Austria in Klosterneuburg
FH Joanneum in Graz
University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein
MCI Management Center Innsbruck
FH Gesundheit in Innsbruck
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Lauder Business School
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn

List of Private Universities
European Peace University in Stadtschlaining
Alma Mater Europaea in Salzburg and campuses in other countries
Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg in Seekirchen am Wallersee
Catholic-Theological Private University Linz
Anton Bruckner Private University for Music, Drama, and Dance, Linz
Konservatorium Wien
PEF Private University of Management Vienna
Sigmund Freud University Vienna
MODUL University Vienna
Webster University Vienna
Danube Private University in Krems
New Design University in Sankt Pölten

Thursday 11 August 2016

Affordable tuition fee of Higher Education in Top Ranking Universities of Switzerland.

The education system in Switzerland

The education system in Switzerland is very diverse, because the constitution of  Switzerland delegates the authority for the school system mainly to the cantons.The Swiss law on publicly financed universities, the Swiss University Conference and its accreditation body the CRUS-OAQ recognizes. There are 14 public and generic universities in Switzerland, 10 of which are maintained at cantonal level and usually offer a range of non-technical subjects. Of the remaining 4 institutions, 2 are run by the Swiss Confederation and are known as "Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology". Switzerland was the birthplace of the International Baccalaureate in 1968. In relation to its population size, Switzerland is the country with the highest number of universities among the 100 best of the ARWU  Academic Ranking of World Universities (2014-2015).

As  per 2013 QS Ranking  eight universities were raked as best as detailed below.
  1. ETH Zurich 12th
  2. EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 19th
  3. University of Geneva (Université de Genève) 71st
  4. University of Zurich (Universität Zürich) 78th
  5. University of Basel (Universität Basel),110th
  6. University of Lausanne (Université de Lausanne) 111th
  7. University of Bern (Universität Bern),  154th
  8. University of St. Gallen (Universität St. Gallen) 411-420th

                              ETH Zurich

                          École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

                                           University of Geneva

                                         University of Zurich

In the Bologna system, one academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits, which are equivalent to 1,500-1,800 hours of study. This includes contact hours (lectures, seminars, practical work, etc.), as well as independent study at home or in a library. Attainment of the Bachelor's degree requires three years of full-time study (180 ECTS-credits).The Bachelor's degree is a pre-requisite for enrollment in a Master's programme. It can in some cases lead directly to a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS). However, a Bachelor's degree is not sufficient for enrollment in a doctoral programme, which requires the attainment of a Master's degree as well.The Swiss universities run several programmes of continuing education in different professional fields and confer three separate diplomas: the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) 10 ECTS, the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) 30 to 59 ECTS and the Executive Master/Master of Advanced Studies (MAS/MBA) 60 ECTS the only Degree program in continuing education.
Admission to a Bachelor's Programme

The decision concerning admission to a course of studies rests with the individual institution. The basic admission requirement is a Swiss secondary high-school-leaving certificate (Matura, Maturité, Maturità) or a foreign secondary high-school-leaving certificate considered equivalent. Students not holding fully recognized certificates qualifying for university entrance may be required to take a university entrance exam.
Admission to a Master's Programme

The prerequisite for access to a Master's programme is a successfully completed Bachelor's level programme. Each university makes its own decisions as to whether a foreign Bachelor's degree can give the holder access to Master's programmes, and what are the conditions, if any (entrance examinations, further requirements).
Admission to a Doctoral Programme

To be eligible for a PhD programme at a Swiss university, applicants must hold a Master's degree or equivalent from a recognised or accredited university. As conditions vary among universities, interested students should check the admission requirements of their prospective university.
Language Requirements

All Swiss universities require good knowledge of the language of instruction. The Universities of Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Geneva and Lausanne, as well as the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, are in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Fribourg is officially a bilingual university, with courses offered both in French and German, while Italian is the teaching language at the Università della Svizzera italiana, located in the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. The universities of Basel, Bern, Lucerne, St.Gallen, Zurich and the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich are located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. 
An increasing number of study programmes at Master's level are offered in English, thus a solid knowledge of English language is advisable for all prospective students.

Detailed information on general- and country-specific admission requirements can be found on the website. 

Tuition Fee (in CHF)
Name of university           Swiss student                  Foreign Student        
EPFL                                  1266                                   1266                 
ETHZ                                 1288                                   1288
BS                                      1400                                   1310
FR                                      1310                                   1610                                  
GE                                      1310                                  1000          
LA                                      1000                                  1360
LU                                      1160                                  2220
NE                                      1620                                  1580
SG                                      1030                                  4252
ZH                                      2452                                  1738
USI                                     4000                                  8000


Living expenses can be estimated between CHF 18,000 and 28,000 per year (depending on the location of the university and personal needs).
Scholarships - Governmental scholarships

The Swiss Government offers scholarships to foreign students and artists on the basis of reciprocity or within the framework of a scholarship pool to several countries. Scholarships are granted to postgraduate candidates or researchers from both industrial and development countries.

Candidates should, in the first instance, find out from their own country's authorities whether they are entitled to a government scholarship or should approach the Swiss embassy or consulate  in their home country. A list of the relevant countries and further information on the governmental scholarships, such as application requirements, duration of scholarship, scholarship amount, application procedure etc. are available on the Website of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

Before applying, candidates (who must be under 35 of age and proficient in English, German, French or Italian) should get in touch with a professor or with the responsible service of the programme at the chosen Swiss higher Education institution in order to get a written confirmation of acceptance.

To find out whether a Swiss University offers scholarships to international students, candidates are advised to check the website of the University in question.

    Residence permit / visa

    The application for a residence permit or a visa is different for EU/EFTA citizens and for people from other countries.

    EU/EFTA countries:

    Students from EU/EFTA countries must register with the Residents' Registration Office of the local authorities of their municipality of residence within 14 days and apply for a residence permit. The following documents are required: 
    1. Personal application for residence permit 
    2. Valid passport or identity card 
    3. Proof of registration at the university 
    4. Evidence of sufficient funds (bank certificate or certified document) 
    5. Proof of address at place of residence 
    6. 2 passport-size photographs 
    Non-EU/EFTA countries:
    Students from non-EU/EFTA countries must contact the Swiss Embassy or the Swiss consulate in their native country and apply for a visa. Students are responsible for gathering the information and the documents required for the visa issuing process. Among other things, they must submit proof of registration at a university. Students must be aware of the fact that, as a rule, an application for a visa takes several months to process.

    Health insurance:

    In Switzerland, health insurance is mandatory for all residents. Students from foreign countries must purchase their own health insurance policy if they intend to live in Switzerland for more than three months. This does not apply to students from countries which provide international coverage or offer equivalent insurance protection.

    A list of universities is given hereunder for information of the students interested in higher education in Switzerland.

Universities (source Wikipedia)
  1. University of Basel (Basel), German-speaking
  2. University of Bern (Bern), German/English-speaking
  3. University of Fribourg (Fribourg), French/German-speaking
  4. University of Geneva (Geneva), French-speaking
  5. University of Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel), French-speaking
  6. University of Lausanne (Lausanne), French-speaking
  7. University of Lucerne (Lucerne), German/English-speaking
  8. University of Lugano (Lugano), Italian/English-speaking
  9. University of St. Gallen (HSG) (St. Gallen), German/English-speaking
  10. University of Zurich (Zürich), German/English-speaking
  11. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) (Lausanne), French/English-speaking
  12. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) (Zurich), German/English-speaking
Universities of Applied Sciences
  1. Berner Fachhochschule, BFH, German-speaking
  2. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, FHNW (German: Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), German-speaking
  3. Fachhochschule Ostschweiz, FHO (German: Fachhochschule Ostschweiz), German-speaking
  4. Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, HES-SO, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, French-speaking and G, Lausanne (part of the HES-SO)
  5. Ecole cantonale d'art du Valais, Sierreerman-speaking (Fribourg)
  6. Hochschule Luzern, HSLU, German-speaking
  7. Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), Italian-speaking
  8. Zürcher Fachhochschule, ZFH, German-speaking
  9. Kalaidos Fachhochschule
Higher education institutions of art and music
  1. Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
  2. Conservatoire de Musique de Genève, Geneva
  3. Dipartimento Ambiente, Costruzioni e Design, Canobbio
  4. École cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL)
  5. Haute école d'arts appliqués Arc, La Chaux-de-Fonds (part of the HES-SO)
  6. Haute école d'arts et de design, Geneva (part of the HES-SO)
  7. Haute école de musique de Lausanne - HEMU (part of the HES-SO)
  8. Hochschule der Künste Berne, Bern (part of the BFH)
  9. Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst], Basel (part of the FHNW)
  10. Hochschule für Musik (Basel) und Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (part of the FHNW)
  11. Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst, Musik (part of the HSLU)
  12. Scuola Teatro Dimitri, Verscio (part of the SUPSI)
  13. Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (part of the ZFH)
Universities of teacher education

According to diploma recognition by the EDK / CDIP:

  1. These institutions are recognized: Graubünden, Bern Jura and Neuchâtel, Fribourg, Nordwestschweiz (Teilschule der FHNW), Rorschach, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen, Thurgau, Vaud, Wallis, Zentralschweiz, Zürich (Teilschule der ZFH)
  2. Alta Scuola Pedagogica Ticino (SUPSI)
  3. Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich
  4. Schweize Hochschule für Logopädie Rorschach SHLR
  5. Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut gemäss Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBG), Art. 48
  6. Eidgenössisches Hochschulinstitut für Berufsbildung, EHB
Federal institute
according to the Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBG), Art. 48 / Loi fédérale sur la formation (LFPr), l'art. 48
Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, SFIVET

Other institutions accredited by the Swiss University Conference
  1. Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano
  2. Theologische Hochschule Chur (THC)
  3. Franklin University Switzerland, formerly Franklin College Switzerland (program accreditation since 2005, full university institution accreditation since 2013)
  4. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales et du développement IHEID) in Geneva.
Other university-level institutions
  1. Stiftung Fernstudien Schweiz, Brig
  2. the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, IUKB) in Sion