Monday 1 August 2016

Study at University (Higher education) level in Sweden is highly regarded ambition.

University (Higher education) in Sweden

After gymnasieskola, students can apply to a university in order to receive a tertiary education. General academic degree are offered by public universities and university colleges that tend to attract students on a regional basis. Besides general academic degrees, the higher education system in Sweden also provides a number of professional and vocational degrees in fields such as engineering, law and medicine.On 1 July 2007, a new higher education system came into effect in Sweden. Higher education became divided into three levels: basic level (grundnivå), advanced level (avancerad nivå), and doctoral level (forskarnivå). The new changes also included removing several professional / vocational degrees (yrkesexamina) as well as redefining other pre-existing degrees.

Ranking list according to the THE–QS World University Rankings (with the highest ranked for that year marked in blue):      (SOURCE WIKIPEDIA)
Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers tekniska högskola)110166147197162198-202223202
University of Gothenburg (Göteborgs universitet)-190--258185-184193205
Linköping University (Linköpings universitet)---371----340331
Lund University (Lunds universitet)1711801221068867-867167
Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan)122196172192173174-180142118
Stockholm University (Stockholms universitet)139--246239215-178171170
Uppsala University (Uppsala universitet)140180111716375-838179
Umeå University (Umeå universitet)----299318-273297289


Ranking list according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities:
Uppsala University597474656671766667737360
Lund University939292909797101104109114112125
University of Gothenburg156201190206228242257212203196195163
Stockholm University-9797848686887981818278
Karolinska Institutet394646485351504244424447
Umeå University-248252253256256252249247274289298

Basic level (grundnivå)
To be admitted to a programme at the basic level, a student must complete an education at the gymnasieskola level or its equivalent. The degrees that can be obtained at the basic level are:
  • University Diploma (högskoleexamen), 2 years, 120 higher education credits (högskolepoäng)
  • Degree of Bachelor (kandidatexamen), 3 years, 180 higher education credits

Advanced level (avancerad nivå)

To be admitted to a programme at the advanced level, a student must have obtained a 3-year Swedish degree at the basic level or a corresponding degree from another country or some corresponding qualification. The degrees that can be obtained at the advanced level are:
  • Degree of Master (One year) (magisterexamen), 1 year, 60 higher education credits
  • Degree of Master (Two years) (masterexamen), 2 years, 120 higher education credits
Both degrees require completing a thesis.
The Degree of Master (Two years), masterexam, is a new degree that is intended to be closely linked to continuing education at the graduate level.

Doctoral level (forskarnivå)

To be admitted to a programme at the doctoral level, a student must have obtained a Swedish degree at the advanced level or completed at least 4 years of full-time study with at least one year at the advanced level or a corresponding degree from another country or equivalent knowledge. The degrees that can be obtained at the doctoral level are:
  • Degree of Licentiate (licentiatexamen), 2 years, 120 higher education credits
  • Degree of Doctor (PhD, doktorsexamen), 4 years, 240 higher education credits.

Language requirements

Before being accepted to a higher education programme in Sweden, all applicants must demonstrate a minimum proficiency in Swedish and English by either taking 2 years of Swedish and English or passing Swedish B and English A. For international applicants, the Test in Swedish for University Studies (TISUS), is an international exam that can be taken to demonstrate proficiency in Swedish. For those whose native language is not English, international applicants can demonstrate proficiency in English by obtaining a minimum score of 173 points on the TOEFL or a minimum grade of B on the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam. Exchange students may have different language requirements.

How to Apply

Bachelor  Programmes

Applications are processed through Central Application Portal. The entry requirements depends upon programmes selected.Application are made on line with payment of fee SEK 900.

Bachelor Programmes Spring 2017 First Round.

Semester starts January 2017

  • 1 June 2016: On line service opens
  • 15 August 2016: Admission application deadline at midnight CET
  • 1 September 2016: Deadline for receipt of supporting academic documents (all applicants) and documentation of fee exempt status (if required)
  • 1 September 2016: Deadline for receipt of application fee (if required)
  • 12 October 2016: First Notification of Selection Results
  • 21 October 2016: Last date to reply to your offer
  • 31 October 2016: Second Notification of Selection Results (no reply required)
  • January 2017: Spring semester starts. Contact your university for exact dates for registration and introduction.
Master programmes Spring First Round. 

Semester starts January 2017

1 June 2016: On line service opens 

15 August 2016: Admission application deadline at midnight CET

1 September 2016: Deadline for receipt of supporting academic documents (all applicants) and documentation of fee exempt status (if required)

1 September 2016: Deadline for receipt of application fee (if required)

19 October 2016: First Notification of Selection Results
31 October 2016: Last date to reply to your offer

9 November 2016: Second Notification of Selection Results (no reply required)

January 2017: Spring semester starts. Contact your university for exact dates for registration and introduction.                   

Karolinska Institutet (47th in 2014 ARWU)
Lunds University (67th QS Ranking in 2013)

       Spring Semester 2nd Round 
        Bachelor and Master 

The Second admission round occurs just a few months before the start of the spring semester. we recommend that non-EU/EEA students should apply in 1st round to gain time for documentation.

Semester Spring 2017

  • 15 September 2016: Courses and programmes available for application are publishedPlease noteSome universities publish the same course or programme in both the First and Second admission rounds for the spring semester. When you do a search, you may see two similar courses listed. Please note that they have different application deadlines and notification dates.
  • 17 October 2016: Admission application deadline at midnight CET
  • 31 October 2016: Deadline for receipt of documentation of fee exempt status (if required)
  • 31 October 2016: Deadline for receipt of application fee (if required)  
  • 1 December 2016: Deadline for receipt of academic documents (transcripts, etc.)
  • 8 December 2016: First Notification of Selection Results 
  • 19 December 2016: Last date to reply to your offer 
  • 22 December 2016: Second Notification of Selection Results (no reply required)
  • Mid-January 2017: Spring semester starts. Contact your university for exact dates for registration and introduction.

Documentation for Bachelor Programmes
After submitting on line applications, for most applicants, this means uploading scans of original documents.

As soon as you have submitted your electronic application you must send .

1) Record of completed upper secondary (high school) education

2) University records

Bachelor's studies applicants who have attended university are required to submit documentation of their studies and results.

Note : You are required to submit record of your upper secondary qualifications because your university qualifications can not exempt you from submitting it.

3) Document translation requirements

If your documents are in language other than English, French, Spanish, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish then submit authorised translations of these documents in Swedish or English language

4) Proficiency in English
In order to present a proof of proficiency in the English language please submit a copy of certificate issued by internationally recognised  organisation such as TOEFL or IELTS etc.

5) Identification document

copy of the passport page containing your personal data and photograph.

Documentation for Master Programmes

1) Certificates and diplomas.

 Your completed bachelor's degree from an internationally recognised higher education institution (university or university college). 
  • Note : If your documents are in a language other than Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, French or German, please provide an official translation or each semester (including course list) from your bachelor's programme. 
  • Note 1: If your degree was awarded in Cameroon, Canada, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, or the USA, your transcript of record must be sent directly from your university.You can not send them by any other way as your documents can be rejected.
  • Note 2: If your degree was awarded in Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Bhutan, then these must be submitted via regular post..
2. Proof of English Language Proficiency.
3. A copy of the passport  page containing personal data and photograph.

Other documentation

TOEFL results

All TOEFL test results must be sent directly from Education Testing Service (ETS) to University Admissions in Sweden.The institution code is Sweden 3477 must be included.

Dissertations and essays

If the specific entry requirements include a dissertation or essay, send these directly to the university. 

Essay summaries

Any short summaries (Approximately 10 pages) requested should be included.

Letter of recommendation.

Do not send letters of recommendation unless they are specifically required. 

Letters of Intent.

Submit a letter of intent if you are requested

Programmes for Spring 2017 Semester.

Master of Molecular Life Science.
Master of Molecular  Biology.
Master of Marine Biology.
Master of  Biology.
Master of Economics.
Master of Business Intelligence.  
Bachelor of Earth Science.(Distance Learning)

Tuition fee for outside EU Students (Master Programmes)

Total course fee for 2 years Master Programme ranges to SEK 280,000 To SEK 540,000 as may be mentioned in programme description.  (1st instalment SEK 70,000 To SEK 135,000)

Tuition fee for outside EU Students (Bachelor Programmes  Distance Learning)

 Total course fee for 3 years  SEK 420,000 (1st instalment SEK 70,000 To SEK 135,000)


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