Monday 15 August 2016

There are a lot of scholarships for brilliant students for higher education of international students in Hungarian Universities.

Universities in Hungary
The Hungarian school system consist on pre primary to secondary education schools before higher education.vocational schools (szakiskola) provide education up to grade 9 & 10 and secondary vocational schools (szakközépiskola) leads to Secondary School Leaving Certificate after three or two years and students acquire a qualification, ISCED -2 C or mostly 3 C. Students interested in continuing their studies in Hungary will find preparatory courses in numerous universities. Public Higher Education System includes universities and other higher educational institutes, that provide degree education up to doctoral level and also contribute to research activities in Hungary. Higher education is offered, in colleges generally take 4 years,Bachelor degree and universities up to 4-6 years Master Degree. University offer PhD courses which usually take 3 years to complete. It is compulsory to pass an intermediate level language exam in the foreign language (mostly English and German) of student's own choice to acquire a degree.

                               University of Debrecen

 Face of Corvinus University of Budapest

                        Corvinus University of Budapest

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș

Application Procedure
  1. To successfully apply for studies at the selected University, the applicants, must complete all of the following steps: 
  2. complete all sections of the application form 
  3. Attach a letter of motivation outlining your reasons for choosing the course 
  4. Attach reference forms, recommendation letters from referees (one is good, two is better!) 
  5. Enclose applicable academic documents: 
  6. BSc applicants must enclose an official copy of their secondary school final examination. 
  7. MSc applicants must enclose an official copy of their BSc degree certificate and transcripts. 
  8. Enclose evidence of their English ability: B2 level of English is required (i.e. TOEFL min. of 500 on PBT, 61 on iBT; a 6.0 on IELTS or equivalent) 
  9. Attach a brief Curriculum Vitae.

Important note:   All documentation must be in English. Translations from other languages must be certified.

Bachelor/Master Application Deadline                                                                For September 2017 up to 15 June 2017                                                                               For Jan/Feb 2018 up to 15 Nov 2017

PhD program
Besides submission of Application for admission in PhD program, the general entry requirements are explained as under: 
  • Applicants who have MSc degree in fields, specified by the particular PhD school are eligible for admission to PhD studies at a University.
  • Admission is based on entrance examinations including a review of the MSc degree of the applicant.
  • A face-to-face interview by a committee delegated by the Executive Body of the PhD School.
  • Applicants having a GPA of 4.0 on a scale of 5.0 during their MSc studies are acceptable.
  • Any foreign or Hungarian PhD student is expected to have proficient written and spoken language skills, preferably in English (B2 level of English is required (i.e. TOEFL min. of 500 on PBT, 61 on iBT; a 6.0 on IELTS or equivalent, e.g. if the language of instruction was  English on master's level).
  • But in a few cases other world languages like French, German, Russian or Spanish can be required as well.
     PhD Application Deadline for September 2017 up to May 31, 2017                                                                                for Feb 2018 up to   October 31, 2017

Tuition Fees and Other Costs (BSc, MSc programmes)
Registration fee: 50-100  Eur/student and 100-150 Eur/student (PhD programs). 
Student card fee 10 EUR/student
Tuition fees: 
Tuition fees: 1000 Eur to 3500 Eur per semester  for Bsc, Msc and other  professional programs like MBA 
Approx.150 Eur/month (double occupancy),approx.190 Eur/month (single occupancy). 

Tuition fee & other costs (PhD)
 Between 4,000 and 6,000 EUR/semester (The amount of fee depends on the costs of the program selected. Living expenses are not included in the tuition fee.) Registration fee: 100 EUR/student. There are a variety of housing opportunities for PhD students in the vicinity of the University at reasonable price.  
Letter of acceptance, is necessary for visa application after receipt of payment for tuition and registration.  In the case of a visa refusal, these costs will be refunded.  
Scholarships (Stipendium Hungaricum)
Extended Deadlines 19th of August 2017 (The links can be used for coming year study)

FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (UNO) and  Tempus Public Foundation Govt. of Hungary have launched Scholarships programs for the students of  the below mentioned countries.The scholarships will cover Tuition fee,Monthly stipend to cover living expenses,Insurance and Accommodation charges of full time and part time students for the period of study as detailed below.
Available Scholarship Types                                 Duration
One-tier master programs                                     5-6 years
Doctoral programs                                                2+2 years
Non-degree programs- Preparatory course           0,5-1 year
                                    -Specialization courses     2, 0,5-1 year
Bachelor                                                                2-4 years

 The Students must fulfil the following conditions before submitting application to the respective           Organizations through the above mentioned links: 
  1. Citizenship and residency of one of the eligible countries
  2. Excellent school achievements
  3. English language proficiency (for courses taught in English)
  4. Motivation
  5. Good health
  6. Age (candidates under 30 are preferred)
List of eligible countries 
Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, China (including the Hudec scholarships), Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan*, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kosovo, Kurdistan Regional Government/Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Syria**, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine***, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen****

For part time programmes, students can apply from the following sending partners: Belarus, Cambodia, China (only Hudec applicants), Georgia, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Laos, Lebanon, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Turkey, Vietnam

* For applicants from Jordan, the application deadline is extended to 31st March 2016.
** There is a separate call for application for Syrian applicants*** For applicants from Ukraine, the application deadline is extended to 1st April 2016.
**** Only those Yemeni students can apply for the scholarship who are currently staying in Hungary.

Study Visas 
 Entry for long stay (exceeding 90 days)

Students from  EU countries do not require Study Visa to enter in Hungary. But the students from non-EU countries require a Study Visa to enter in Hungary. Application need to be submitted with proof payment of tuition fee and acceptance letter, in the country of the student's residence. In case of successful application, s/he will get a visa authorising him/her to a single entry for receiving a residence permit and to stay for maximum 30 days in Hungary. The decision on the residence permit falls within the scope of the regional directorates of the Office for Immigration.
 Residence permits 
A certificate of school attendance, a document certifying occupancy in Hungary (the document certifying accommodation in a student hostel or the tenancy contract with a duplicate of the title deed),
and - the documents certifying subsistence in Hungary (bank account statement; or the declaration of the parents that they assume coverage of all costs of the stay in Hungary; or the document certifying the scholarship). - attestation of the school that the applicant is exempt from the payment of school fees or that he/she has already paid the tuition fees.

For details of  Hungarian Missions abroad or other visa related information please visit website of  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hungary.

Public Universities 

Szent István University
Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)
Széchenyi István University
University of Debrecen
Budapest Business School.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Corvinus University Budapest.
University of Szeged
Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
Selye János University (Slovakia)
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Budapest
University of Dunaújváros
University of Kaposvár
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music Budapest
University of West Hungary
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș (Romania)
National University of Public Service Budapest
University of Miskolc
University of Nyíregyháza
Óbuda University Budapest
Semmelweis University Budapest
University of Pannonia
University of Pécs
University of Physical Education Budapest
Academy of Drama and Film in Budapest
University of Szeged
Eszterházy Károly College, Eger

Church funded or Private Universities

Ferenc Rákóczi II. Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute (Ukraine)
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
Andrássy University Budapest
Aquincum Institute of Technology Budapest
Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)
Budapest Metropolitan University
Budapest University of Jewish Studies Budapest
Central European University Budapest
International Business School Budapest
Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church Budapest
Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest
Lutheran Theological University Budapest
Avicenna International College
Bhaktivedanta Theological College
Budapest College of Management
Gábor Dénes College
International Business School, Budapest
Wekerle Business School


  1. Off-campus student properties are usually situated nearby the university or are easily accessible via public transport.

    Cheapest Sheffield student accommodation

  2. Scholarship programs should offer by every university as not everyone can afford studies

    Student accommodation close to Keele University
