Wednesday 3 August 2016

Affordable Higher Education in Netherlands.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) coordinated Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) This Programme ranks the education in the Netherlands as the 9th best in the world as of 2008, being significantly higher than the OECD average.Higher education in the Netherlands is offered at two types of institutions: universities of applied sciences (hogescholen; HBO),and research universities (universiteiten; WO),Since September 2002, the higher education system in the Netherlands has been organised around a three-cycle system consisting of bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees. A WO bachelor's programme requires the completion of 180 credits (3 years) and graduates obtain the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Laws. An HBO bachelor's programme requires the completion of 240 credits (4 years), and graduates obtain a degree indicating their field of study, for example Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) or Bachelor of Nursing (B. Nursing). Master's programmes at the WO level mostly require the completion of 60 to 120 credits, 1year to 3 years. Graduates obtain the degree of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Laws . Master's programmes at the HBO level require the completion of 60 to 120 credits, and graduates obtain a degree indicating the field of study, for example Master of Social Work (MSW).The third cycle of higher education is offered only by research universities, which are entitled to award the country's highest academic degree, the doctorate the process is referred as "promotion" (promotie). This research is typically conducted while working at a university as a promovendus (research assistant).

World-class Research: twelve Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015.

University of  Maastricht
Leiden University
Rotterdam University Inholland
University of Utrecht

Application Deadlines.

The application process can be different for students who are already living in the Netherlands. Students from abroad can take longer in registration  due to the procedures needed to verify the qualifications. Non-EU students should start the application process before 1 May for academic year  starting from September.The recommended deadline for Dutch and EU students is 1 August.

However some Universities have programmes other than that of academic year so their deadlines may differ in this respect and need to be checked from them.

Tuition Fee & Living Expenses

Annual tuition fees for EU students start at approximately €1,950.

For non-EU students

The average tuition fee for bachelor’s programmes is between €6,000 and €15,000

For a master’s programme between €8,000 and €20,000.

Experience has shown that students living and studying in Holland for one year spend between €800 and €1,100 a month.

As a student you can get discounts in many bars, restaurants, museums and cinemas.


There are many kinds of scholarships  and amount depends upon nature of degrees and origin of the applicants.Most of the scholarships are admissible only to students with distinctions.

Visas and permits

To enter the Netherlands for study purposes, you might need a visa and/or a residence permit.
Whether you need a visa or not, depends on:
  1. your nationality – as stated on your passport;
  2. the duration of your stay: shorter or longer than three months;
  3. your purpose of stay. 

Your institution needs to apply Visa on your behalf.

When you enrol in a study programme, your host institution will contact you to start up the application procedure. If not, ask for help by contacting the department dealing with international student mobility. Usually this will be the institution’s international office.

Start preparations early.

Although the IND will generally process the application within two weeks, we recommend that you start the process early (about three months before you plan to enter the Netherlands). 

Documents needed for applying to the universities via Studielink.

Admission requirements are set by the higher education institutions. You first need to find a study programme and then check the admission requirements in the below mentioned Degrees

1) Associate degree of 2 years (120 credits).

2) Bachelor degree of 4 years (120 credits ).

3) Master degree of 1- 4 years (60-240 credits ).

4) Professional doctorate Engineering degree of 2 years (120 credits ).

Generally: You will need to submit the following additional  documents:

  • A copy of the pages in your passport with identifying information or a photocopy of your European identity card.    
  • A copy of a valid residence permit which proves you are entitled to stay in the Netherlands. This only applies to students from outside the EU/EER or Switzerland and when you are older than 18 years at the start of your course.    
  • A certified copy of your diploma (signed and stamped by the appropriate authority such as your school) 
  • or degree certificate and final grades of your school-leaving certificate of pre-university education that entitles you to attend the bachelor's degree course of your choice.
  •  If you still need to sit your final exams, you can send  your grade lists over the past years. Note that for final enrolment you still have to send  a certified copy as soon as you pass your exams (see admission requirements for further details)

        If applicable

  • A certified translation of your educational qualifications or diploma and grade lists (see admission requirements)    
  • A motivation letter.   
  • It is essential that you speak, read and write English well. You must have passed an English language test IELTS and TOEFL are commonly accepted, but institutions may accept other tests as well, like Cambridge English. The required scores are at least 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based) for TOEFL. For IELTS a score of at least 6 is required. A copy of your NT 2 certificate for Dutch taught programmes.  
  • Quota proof (only for courses with a fixed quota procedure) The results of the quota process will be announced via Studielink. 
  • A WAEC verification code (for students with a WAEC certificate).
  • If applicable a Nuffic certificate (for Chinese students).

  Doctorate Degrees (PD Eng & PhD).

Pursuing a PhD means spending a minimum of four years conducting original research and writing a dissertation. Throughout this time, PhD candidates work in close collaboration with their supervisor. A PhD is not regarded as study, but as serious research and PhD candidates in the Netherlands are often in paid employment.
Most PhD posts will often be advertised on job boards, such as, in scientific journals, or on notice boards at other institutions. If you see a PhD position that interests you, contact the institution directly about the application procedure.If you have a specific research proposal of your own and cannot find a vacancy to match it, you may pitch your idea to universities or research groups that conduct research in the relevant field and are able to provide funding.

Admission requirements For PD Eng. & PhD
After gaining a master, a student can apply for a 3 or 4 year PhD candidate position at a university (NB a master's degree is the mandatory entry level for the Dutch PhD program). There are three technical universities, an Open University, six general universities and four universities with unique specialisations in the Netherlands, although the specialised universities have increasingly added more general studies to their curriculum.

Preparatory year

Sometimes you are not yet eligible to the programme of your choice. Dutch immigration law then allows you to come to the Netherlands for a maximum of one year prior to your studies to follow preparatory courses and pass the examinations set by the institutions.

Completing your application.

After applying through Studielink you will receive login details from the university where you applied. With these login details you can enter the self-service and upload the necessary documents.
Your registration is complete as soon as the university   have received all above documents filled out and signed. Please send all your documentation to the university where you have applied.
Alternatively you can scan and email all your documentation.

Proof of acceptance to the university where you applied.

As soon as you are admitted, the Central Student Administration will send your student card before the start of the academic year. This card is proof of registration and you must be able to show your student card during lectures and exams. If you have an address in the Netherlands, the student card will be sent to you. Otherwise you can pick up the card at the Service Desk of the location. 

Please note: All documents must be sent to the Central Student Administration before the beginning of the academic year, which is 1 September or 1 February, depending on the start of the programme.

Important information

All English language certificates are only valid if taken less than two years from the starting date of your bachelor programme.

Institution availing Studielink services for enrolment

Universities of Applied Sciences.
Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de kunsten
Avans Hogeschool
Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim
Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Design Academy Eindhoven
Driestar educatief
Fontys Hogescholen
Hogeschool Viaa
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
De Haagse Hogeschool
Hanzehogeschool Groningen
HAS Hogeschool
Hogeschool De Kempel
Hogeschool IPABO
Hogeschool Leiden
Hogeschool Rotterdam
Hogeschool Utrecht
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
Hogeschool Van Hall-Larenstein
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Hogeschool Zuyd
Hotelschool Den Haag
Iselinge Hogeschool
Katholieke Pabo Zwolle
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten / Koninklijk Conservatorium
Marnix Academie
NHL Hogeschool
NHTV internationaal hoger onderwijs Breda
Saxion Hogeschool
Stenden Hogeschool
Thomas More Hogeschool
Vilentum Hogeschool


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