Wednesday 10 August 2016

Free Engineering and Art Higher Education in France

École Normale Supérieure (ENS)

The School

Starting from a High school and working as university, for over two centuries, ENS has served not only the French but also the elites all over the world  through education and research.The School offer studies in fifteen fields mostly literary and scientific disciplines.It awards, national diplomas (masters and doctorates) and a business degree, the ENS diploma, to the academic exchange students and faculty members from leading global institutions. The School has formed a founding member of Paris Sciences and Letters (PSL Research University),and other twenty-four institutions of French excellence. Resolutely innovative university, PSL, which combines science, the humanities and the arts.The campus is located in Paris which benefits  the students with intense cultural activities - theater, music, cinema, exhibitions, conferences in all fields of knowledge are offered throughout the year.
École Normale Supérieure Paris (ENS)

The ENS students are recruited through a competition after two or three years of graduate study, usually followed by preparatory classes for schools. Any student of French or foreign, level L2 can compete. European winners acquire the trainee civil servants and are paid for four years (about 1,250 euros net). The non-European winners receive grant either a Competition Letters or Competition Sciences.

Recruitment on record for French and foreign students

The School also welcomes students of all nationalities on file to prepare the ENS Diploma at level L3 or Master 1. Coming from the preparatory classes for schools, French or foreign universities, these students are selected at the end of L2 or L3, after examination of their application and interview. They do not have the probationer status and receive no treatment or scholarship.They receive the same training as the ENS students benefit from international partnerships ENS. They can, if they are stock, be candidates for allocation of housing.

Recruitment of foreign students by the International Selection

The International Selection is a high-level competition for students enrolled in a foreign university: between 20 and 30 foreign students divided equally between Sciences and Humanities are recruited each year to the end of their undergraduate studies. Their schooling at the ENS lasts 2 or 3 years. They do not have the probationer status but receive a grant of about 1,000 euros per month studies.

International academic exchanges

Foreign students are also welcome at the ENS, for stays from 1 year to 3 years, as part of exchange programs set up with academic institutions School of partners in Europe, the United States, Africa, Asia. These "foreign residents" about a hundred each year are selected by their home universities. School provides them with accommodation on campus.

The status of trainee officer

Candidates who pass the first or second contest become ENS students and, if they are citizens of an EU Member State, acquire official trainee status. In return for a ten-year obligation (Article 36 of Decree No. 87-695 of 26 August 1987: " The students are required to take up employment in government departments, local authorities, their public institutions or domestic enterprises for ten years from their entry in the School "), they have four years of study paid (about 1,250 euros net per month). Non-citizens winners of a Member State of the European Union also become students, but they do not acquire trainee civil servant status and are not paid. However 4 years of study are counted in the ten-year commitment and the remaining 6 years can be performed under the following conditions:
  • French public service
  • State services
  • public or national companies
  • public service or public institution or national enterprise of a state of the European Union (EU)
  • International Civil Service or the EU
  • Institution of higher education or research, no country condition
  • The years of doctoral and postdoctoral studies in France (Ph.D.: ASN, Lecturer, CIFRE ...) or abroad are counted since the ENS is notified. 
  • Unpaid leave periods are not taken into account in the ten-year commitment.                                                               

Entry Requirements

  • The ENS recruits via a competitive admission exam, or on the basis of written documentation. Foreign students can apply to the ENS for undergraduate study by entrance exam in Sciences, or Humanities and Social Sciences. A four-year course leads to the ENS Diploma.
  • Successful, European students can enrol as civil servant trainees. These positions offer a salary and on-campus accommodation.
  • In this highly competitive admission process, all students are expected to meet the highest French language standards.
  • Foreign students may also apply for the three-year ENS Diploma. Application is in writing, with an interview. There is no remuneration for ENS Diploma students.
  • There are also exchange agreements enabling students to attend the ENS for a maximum of one year.                                                                                                                                                   
 The International Admission to the ENS 

Institution resolutely open to the world, each year selects the ENS international students to integrate the curriculum taught. In addition to the proposed exchange programs, the support of the international selection aims to recruit brightest candidates, who wish to invest in a training program through research. Admission to the ENS by the international selection provides access to an excellent education, in contact with outstanding researchers and reinforced by accompanying individual.Integrated with normaliens community, you will receive a monthly allowance in the amount of 1000 euros for 3 years.


You can choose from highly specialized courses, taught by leading experts, in your field of study and multidisciplinary training in the below mentioned field of studies. After your studies, you will hold a master of research in your area of ​​specialty, and the degree of the Ecole Normale Superieure.


The School offers the same to stay in all the ENS (officials pupils, students International Selection). The room allocations are managed by the community Normale (called system of "thurnage"

EM Strasbourg Business School € 150
ESC Rennes School of Business € 150
MONTPELLIER Business School    € 150                                                                                               School of  Management Normandy   € 95                  
ESC LA ROCHELLE         € 95
Groupe ESC PAU  € 95
Groupe ESC Troyes  € 95
ISC Paris Business School  € 95
Audencia Nantes € 150.00
BREST Business School € 50.00
EDHEC Business School € 145.00
EMLYON Business School € 145.00
ESC Dijon Bourgogne € 50.00
ESCP Europe € 155.00 No booking fees
ESSEC € 155.00
GRENOBLE School of Management € 140.00
Groupe ESC Clermont € 35.00 No booking fees
HEC Paris € 160.00
INSEEC BS - Paris, Bordeaux, Chambery, Lyon € 50.00
ISG International Business School € 60.00
SKEMA Business School € 140.00 No booking fees
TELECOM Ecole de Management € 125.00
Toulouse Business School € 140.00
ENSAE ParisTech € 125.00
ESM Saint-Cyr SES € 126.00 € 63.00
ENS Cachan € 90
Service of Admissions and Studies ENS
45, rue d'Ulm 75230
Paris cedex 05 - France
Tel. 33 (0) 1 44 32 31 08
Fax: 33 (0) 1 44 32 28 08
Registration site:

The curriculum for students takes place within one of the following departments of the ENS corresponding to the main subject:

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Economy
  4. cognitive studies : cognitive psychology and neuroscience and Language Sciences
  5. Geography
  6. Environment : regional Geography
  7. political Geography
  8. Geosciences
  9. History : History from antiquity to the contemporary world History of science
  10. History and theory of art :  cinematographic Studies,Theatre Studies,The history of art                    and   Musicology
  11. data processing
  12. Literature and languages: French literature,Literary theory,comparative literature, Linguistic Literature and languages: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian
  13. Mathematics
  14. Physical
  15. Philosophy : Philosophy,History and Philosophy of Science and Logic
  16. Sciences of antiquity : classics Archeology and compared grammar and language
  17. Social Sciences : Anthropology and Sociology
  18. Law

Tentative  Calendar 2017

Candidates need to be registered on the Internet from 1 st December 2016 and the 1 st February 2017. They will be notified by mail in March of the selection result on record. Those whose record required to be  retained will be individually summoned to Paris in July 2017, where they will spend in the early days, the written tests and in the following days, the interviews with the jury. The results of the International Selection will be made ​​public at the end of July events. Schooling begins in early September 2017.
 Conditions of registration
  • Not having exceeded its 25 th anniversary with the opening date of entries;
  • Not having done it before nomination papers to the SI;
  • Not having lived in France for more than 10 months in the academic year of the competition (1 st September to August 31) and the one before;
  • Justify the validation of at least one academic year abroad, validated in the calendar year preceding the opening of nominations.
  • Justify the 1 st September following the admissions jury validation of at least two years of higher education abroad.
Exceptionally, the ENS director may authorize candidates to compete having had an academic career abroad unconventional will not fulfill those conditions . 
The mathematics jury of the International Selection primarily consider the records of candidates second and third year undergraduate university.

List of documents to be provided


Social Sciences and Humanities


List of documents to provide:
  • Passport (for non-European applicants) or national identity card (European applicants)
  • diploma for finishing secondary studies
  • University transcripts
  • detailed application form signed
  • Letter (between 1 and 3 pages, Times New Roman, font 12, line spacing 1.5)
  • Project studies and possibly research (from 2000 to 5000 characters including spaces)
  • CV
  • Letters of recommendation from two of your university teachers, which must be sent before the 1 st  February 2016 by the teachers Model Download


List of documents to provide:
  • Passport (for non-European applicants) or national identity card (European applicants)
  • diploma for finishing secondary studies
  • University transcripts
  • Bibliography, if you apply Letters.
  • detailed application form signed
  • Letter (between 1 and 3 pages, Times New Roman, font 12, line spacing 1.5)
  • Project studies and possibly research (from 2000 to 5000 characters including spaces)
  • CV
  • Letters of recommendation from two of your university teachers, which must be sent before the 1 st February 2016 by the teachers Model Download

Incomplete applications will be rejected.
NB: Candidates interested in the cognitive studies department choose between international selection option letters and the international science option selection. For more information, they can visit the site Cogmaster .

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