Thursday 11 August 2016

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences France.

The School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences
École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS is a renowned School of research and higher
education in the field of Social Sciences.The School has more than 47 research centers with its base at Paris and presence at three regional locations at Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse.  EHESS has exchange programs with foreign universities in Asia and Middle-East. Besides it has made Student Exchange arrangement with universities like as Humboldt, Charles, Berkeley, Cambridge, Lomonossov, Michigan, Columbia, , Kyoto, Oxford, Tokyo, the European Institute in Florence etc. More than 50% of the students'  inflow is from the countries than France.It offers training up to doctorate level in the areas of History,New History,Sociology, and Economics.

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences Paris

Degree from EHESS
The EHESS conducts diplomas of 1 st and 2 e cycles (bachelor's degree) and the degree at EHESS is  different than National DiplomaThe diploma is awarded to the researchers on a particular subject under an agreement with the director of that studies. The thesis must be an original work of the level of a scientific publication. It is a  three years program that may be extended to fourth year if authorized by the President of the EHESS


The program is designed for the  professional or personal who had already acquired  prior training through academic study.The Admission is granted upon application from the trainees. The research is completed under guidance and approval of the the  teacher in the relevant field whose decision is binding on the trainees.Upon completion of Master 1 the graduate of the School may admitted to the 2nd level master. The graduate of the EHESS may be admitted to the 2nd level master in other institution subject to the approval of competent authorities in the establishment of Home


Master 1

The students of a license (= 180 credits) or equivalent who had already completed a three year higher education.qualification.

Master 2
The Applicants must hold a degree (= 240 credits) or equivalent who had already completed a four year higher education.qualification. The graduate of the EHESS may also be admitted to the 2nd level master.

Scholarships for International Student
  •  Foreign students wishing to register for a degree under a Funded programs can apply for these scholarships but it do not apply to exchange students.
  • These are scholarships that require a good academic as well as a good command of the French language.
  • The Eiffel Excellence scholarship is reserved for foreign students without restriction of origin.
  • Students currently studying abroad are given priority over those already resident in France.
  • Areas of study concerned with the Eiffel scholarships and taught at the EHESS are:
  1. economics and management
  2. Law and Political Science
  3. Procedure
Contact EHESS (SIMI Information Service and international mobility of students) who will forward you an application form. Complete it and return it to SIMI who will conduct the online submission of your application on the website of Campus France.

Warning: Applications sent directly by students or sent by foreign institutions will be declared ineligible. A candidate nominated by more than one institution will have its bid rejected.

To learn more about the procedure and eligibility requirements, visit the Eiffel vademecum .

Campus France

All information can be found on the website of Campus France. For all practical question write to


Individual aid is for foreign students newcomers aged below 30 years in the year of selection, wishing to prepare a master's degree regardless of the chosen field of study.

Conditions of eligibility

All nationalities are eligible. However, priority is given to applicants from countries from which priority areas of decentralized cooperation in the Region.


The School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences presents the originality to distinguish academic registration, based on the submission of an intellectual project, and the actual administrative registration.
Education Service

Doctorate in registration file
Master 1 Application Form
Master 2 registration file
Application Form Diploma EHESS

Other Courses
  • free doctoral research and post-doctoral research in registration file
  • as a free student registration file

You can also withdraw from the education department or from the antennas in Lyon, Marseille and Toulouse.
Choose your training and the skill teacher. For questions, please contact the counselor of the relevant teacher training.
Complete and sign the educational registration form and send it to the teacher selected (by mail or in person).
Your project is accepted by the teacher: then transmit the record signed by the teacher to their chosen course (by mail or in person).
Your file is validated by the selected and sent to the registrar's office training.
Your project is approved by the Directorate of teaching and student life: You receive a notification of acceptance and an administrative registration form to fill in paper format.

Fill the administrative registration form and send it to: EHESS - School of the Service 190-198, avenue de France - 75244 Paris cedex 13

Warning: your registration is effective upon receipt of all parts. The student card will then be sent.

Registration fees for the academic year 2016/2017
Master : 256 euros
PhD : 391 euros
Degree from EHESS : 256 euros
Free students : 256 euros
Free doctoral research : 256 euros
Habilitation Research : 391 euros

Student social security contribution : 215 euros
Preventive medicine fee : 5,10 euros

Basic source: EHESS Website 

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