Saturday 6 August 2016

Affordable Higher Education in Spain in Public & Private Universities.

 In Spain there are currently 75 universities (both public and private) which offer about 3600 undergraduate programs and nearly 2000  master programs. The majority of degree courses conducted in  public  universities that have already been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) under Bologna Process since 2006. Although universities in Spain can either issue official degrees or non-official degrees but Official degrees have validity in the EHEA and in countries outside of Europe. The  degrees have following  divisions:

The official degrees.
  • Bachelors degrees (Grado) 3-4 years degree (240 credits)  in  Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law, Engineering and Architecture.  
  • Masters degrees (Posgrado) 1-2 years degree (60-120 credits).
  • Doctoral degree or PhD (Doctorado) 3-4 years (60 credits and research  to be defended publicly).
The non-official degrees.

The non-official degrees are neither valid in the EHEA nor widely recognized in other countries some degrees have a high market demands. The non-official university degrees include Non-official Bachelor, Non-official Masters (Maestrias), Masters Specialist and Masters Expert.

University of Barcelona
University of Seville

University of Cantabria

University of Salamanca
Important Note:
This information is for Public Universities and students are suggested to learn process of admission and enrolment for Private Universities they may follow different schedules than Public Universities and suitable to them. 

Documents require the following for admission:
  • Validation of secondary school studies with the Spanish "Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU)" or "Bachillerato LOGSE".
  • Application to take the Admissions Test of the university of student's choice (the Selectivity Exam).The selected  university's site must be contacted directly to know conditions,the dates for registration and for the exam.
  • Any student can take the Selectivity Exam up to four times. The student can improve the grade to  obtain five points or more that is  equivalent to the "Bachillerato" and "COU".
  • Some degrees may require the highest grades in the university admissions exam, the "Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad (P.A.U.)". an aptitude test  to assess their capacity in Art Appreciation, Translation, Sports and similar studies (in double Spanish and foreign degree).
  • After passing the test and obtaining a place transfer the following documents to the university.

  • An original certificate of admission.
  • A receipt of having paid relevant fee into the bank account of the university.
  • A photocopy of the examination results slip.
  • The number of the student's passport.
  • The examination's results and the year and the type of Selectivity Test passed.
  • The academic transcripts.

  • Note:
Students with previous university studies should not sit for the university selectivity exam.

Other cases

  • Students who have initiated university studies in their own country and wish to take a completely different program of studies in Spain should follow the same application procedure as students from secondary schools.
  • Students who have initiated university studies in their own country and wish to take a completely different program of studies in Spain should follow the same application procedure as students from secondary schools.
  • If convalidation of the degree has been denied by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, students may apply for partial convalidation of their studies at the university of their choice.
Academic year

First of all, it is important to take into account that the  academic calendar is different to that of most European universities. The first semester usually starts in the last week of September, finishing in mid-February with a two-week Christmas holiday in the middle. The second semester generally begins in the third week of February and finishes at the beginning of July, with a one-week Easter holiday in the middle.



The enrolment period is open from 1st December to June.
The special enrolment period is open from July until September (in the case of degrees with vacancies)


The enrolment period is open from 1st December  until 15rd July .The special enrolment period is open from July  until September  (in the case of degrees with vacancies)

Tuition Fee

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