Saturday 6 August 2016

Affordable Tuition Fee for Higher Education in Public Universities of France.

The French educational system

The French educational system is highly centralized and divided into the three stages  primary, secondary and higher education. The Higher Education in France is conducted in  semesters and degrees correspond to those of other European countries. The following degrees are recognized in French higher education by the Bologna  Process (EU recognition):
 Licence  consisting on 6 semesters (180 ECTS).
 Licence Professionnelle (Bachelor's degrees) consisting on 6 semesters (3 Years 180 ECTS).
 The Master and Doctorate degrees consisting on 4 semesters (More 2 Years for 120 additional ECTS).
 License and Master's degrees are offered within specific  mention and  domain. Spécialités which are  either research-oriented or professionally oriented during the second year of the Master. There are also Professional Licences whose objective is immediate job integration.

The Grandes écoles of France are elite higher education establishments. These schools include: Ecole Polytechnique, HEC Paris, Centrale Supélec. They are generally focused on a single subject area, such as engineering or business, have a moderate size, and are often quite selective in their admission of students.
Higher education is being given extra ordinary importance and it is evident from the fact that world ranking is improving with evert day passed.
France also hosts various branch colleges of foreign universities. These include Baruch College, the University of London Institute in Paris, Parsons Paris School of Art and Design and the American University of Paris.

Toulouse 1 University Capitole
University of Nantes
University of Strasbourg

Admission process

To study in a French university (1st year of Bachelor's degree), non-European students must apply for preliminary admission (DAP procedure) between November, 2016 and January, 2017 of the current academic year. In order to obtain your student card, you must pay a national fee for Registration.
European Union citizens must apply between January and March 2017 following the "Admission Post-bac (APB)" procedure. The Students must contact the Registry office at the beginning of May 2017.
The Programs taught in English are mostly available with the French Private institutes or various branch colleges of foreign universities. Their admission schedules and procedures may be different than that of Public Universities in France. Thus these universities must be contacted for having information regarding admission in Programs taught in English. 

Bachelor Degree Admission (1st Year)
To start the first year of a Bachelor degree, you must have validated second level studies. To continue your studies (as of 2nd year Bachelor or Master) you must prepare your student file which will then be examined by the educational commission of the faculty you have chosen to pursue your studies.
Obligatory French Proficiency Test
The TCF (Test de Connaissance de Français) certificate is compulsory to enroll on Bachelor's and Master's courses Level 4 (B2) and 14/20 in written expression.
Applicants holding a DELF B2 or a DALF certificate are exempted from the TCF exam as well as applicants from a country where French is the official exclusive language.

You do not need the TCF or DALF certificate if: You are from a state where French is the official language or where secondary studies are completed mainly in French.
You are a foreign student from a bilingual French section listed by the Ministries of National Education and Foreign Affairs.
You have received the advanced diploma in French (DALF C1 and C2), the diploma of studies in French (DELF B2) or another language test that is officially of the same level.

Bachelors' degree (Years 2 and 3) - Master's degree (Years 1 and 2)
The information below applies to students:
- outside of an exchange programme
- living in a country using the CEF/Campus France online procedure. Candidates must follow the CEF/Campus France online procedure only and access the application on the following website:
Only complete applications validated by Campus France will be transferred electronically to the university.
Your application will not be validated until you have undergone an interview with a Campus France advisor.

Application Deadlines: 31st March 2017
Interview deadlines: 31st May 2017.

Please note : Candidates of engineering degrees must apply directly through the Polytech website by 31/01/2017, as well as completing the CEF procedure. Any application that has not taken this step will be automatically rejected.
Additional Information.
A diploma can be considered as valid by some establishments but not by others. The response to each application is taken directly by the President of the University, after being pre-approved by the Departmental Teacher Committees (who base their opinions on the compatibility of your qualifications with the requested field and level of study). Your language skills will also be taken into consideration.

The students studying in the below mentioned countries CEF (Center for Studying in France):

MUST contact the CEF (Center for Studying in France), whatever course or school they have chosen.
Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Russia, Senegal, South Korea, Syria, United States of America, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.
In the Metropolitan territory, the ACADEMIC year extends from early September to early July. The calendar is standardized throughout the country, and is the sole domain of the Ministry.
Applications are opened at a set date, tentatively started from September and end in January. The  dates are being announced by the Universities | Ministry at present. The dates may be different in some cases due to certain variation in locations, programs  and their nature .So it is better to consult the university of the Student's own choice for final deadlines. However the tentative information will be  useful to understand the process and making preparation before hand.
Tuition costs
Since higher education is funded by the state, the fees are very low; the tuition varies from €150 to €700 depending on the university and the different levels of education. (licence, master, doctorate). It can reach €7000 a year for Private Engineering Schools, and some Business Schools, may charge up to €15000 a year.
Health insurance for students  costs €200 a year and cover most of the medical expenses but it is free until the age of 20.

These grants are offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Candidates must:

  • Contact the Cultural Services of Embassies or the French Consulate in their country of residence
  • Fill in a specific form, which will be sent to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, next to the National Student Social Support Service (CNOUS) and finally to the University for approval.
Deadline for applications:
Applications must be submitted between November and January.
Upon arrival, foreign students holding a grant from the French government (BGF) are managed and helped by the Regional Student Social Support Service (CROUS) of the “Academy” where he will be studying.

The Eiffel grants

The Eiffel grants of excellence are offered to foreign students who wish to study for a Master’s degree or to benefit from a 10-month PHD mobility scheme for a thesis co-supervision (preferably during the 2nd or 3d PHD year) in France. The Eiffel grants of excellence are offered to foreign students who wish to study for a Master’s degree or to benefit from a 10-month PHD mobility scheme for a thesis co-supervision (preferably during the 2nd or 3d PHD year) in France. The Eiffel grants of excellence are offered to foreign students who wish to study for a Master’s degree or to benefit from a 10-month PHD mobility scheme for a thesis co-supervision (preferably during the 2nd or 3d PHD year) in France.

Applying for a Visa & residence permit
Only the Consulate, and in no way the University, can provide you with the required information.
For a three-month to one-year stay and after receiving the university certificate of pre-enrollment, the French consulate of your country of residence will grant you "Student Long Stay Visa- Residence Permit" 
 The student visa is an authorization to enter the French territory. Nationals of the European Community Member States, of the European Economic Area do not require a visa.
 The visa must be validated within 3 months after arrival on compliance with the three following requirements:
  • Returning the OFII form upon arrival in France,
  • Checking with a GP
  • Paying a fee

List of Public universities
 University Aix-Marseille Université Aix-Marseille
University of Avignon Université d'Avignon
University of Picardie Jules Verne
University of Franche-Comté
University of Bordeaux
University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
Bordeaux Montaigne University
University of Caen Lower Normandy
Blaise Pascal University
University of Auvergne
University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli
Paris 12 Val de Marne University
Paris 13 University
Paris 8 University
University of Marne-la-Vallée
University of Burgundy
Grenoble Alpes University
University of Savoy
University of the French West Indies
University of French Guiana
University of La Réunion
Lille University of Science and Technology
University of the Littoral Opal Coast
Artois University
University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis
Lille 2 University of Health and Law
Charles de Gaulle University - Lille III
University of Limoges
Jean Moulin University Lyon 3
Lumière University Lyon 2
Jean Monnet University
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
University of Nîmes
University of Perpignan
University of Montpellier
Paul Valéry University,
University of Angers
University of Nantes
University of Maine (France)
University of the South, Toulon-Var
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
University of New Caledonia
University of Orléans
François Rabelais University
Panthéon-Assas University
Paris Diderot University
University of Paris III:
Paris Descartes University
Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Pierre and Marie Curie University
Paris-Sorbonne University
University of La Rochelle
University of Poitiers
University of French Polynesia
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
University of Rennes 1
University of Western Brittany
University of Southern Brittany
University of Rennes 2 - Upper Brittany
University of Le Havre
University of Rouen
University of Upper Alsace
University of Strasbourg
Paul Sabatier University
University of Toulouse II - Le Mirail
Toulouse 1 University Capitole
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
University of Paris-Sud
Paris West University Nanterre La Défense
Cergy-Pontoise University
Grandes école
Private universities
International Relations and Political Science Universities
Ecoles des Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques HEI-HEP, Paris
Centre d'Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques, (Graduate / doctoral school of HEI-HEP) Paris
Catholic universities
Catholic University of Paris
Catholic University of Toulouse
Catholic University of the West
Catholic University of Lyon
Catholic University of Lille
Catholic University of the Vendée
Catholic University of Rennes
Center for Philosophical Studies
Independent Cooperative Faculty
Leonardo da Vinci University Center
Free Faculties of Philosophy and Psychology
Protestant universities
Free Faculty of Reform Theology of Aix-en-Provence
Free Faculty of Protestant Theology of Montpellier
Free Faculty of Protestant Theology of Paris
American University of Paris
Baruch College
Touro College France
American Graduate School in Paris
Schiller International University
European Global School

Art schools.

Conservatoire de Paris
Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique
École des Beaux-Arts
European Academy of Art (EESAB) (France)
Paris College of Art.

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